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PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE FIRE/EMS EMERGENCY TRANSPORTATION & RELATED SERVICES <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />With the U.S. healthcare system rapidly transforming, ambulance service executives are <br />increasingly focused on how existing service lines can be adapted to provide better patient <br />outcomes at a lower cost. Municipal ambulance services are facing the same level of scrutiny. <br />Today in the City of Santa Ana, the City accepts all financial responsibility for the provision of <br />ambulance services, both Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS). The City, <br />through its third -party contracted billing agency, bills for the provided services, and hopes <br />those recovered fees are sufficient to pay for the contracted ambulance services. The entire risk <br />of ambulance revenue rests with the City of Santa Ana. <br />An ambulance organization, public or private, must weigh a number of factors when deciding <br />whether to provide ambulance services themselves or contract ambulance services. On the <br />Municipal side that decision to provide ambulance services or contract for services also must <br />include a review of California legislation covering ambulance contracting._ _ <br />In California, the relevant legislation governing City and County ambulance contracting is found <br />in California Health and Safety Code Sections 1797.201 and 1797.224. These sections provide a <br />"grandfathering" of service rights to those cities or fire districts that contracted for or provided <br />prehospital EMS on June 1, 1980; in these cases, the administration of those services shall be <br />retained by those cities or fire districts. The City of Santa Ana has contracted or provided EMS <br />services prior to June 1, 1980, and so retains the right to continue to contract for EMS services. <br />Having established a legal authority to contract or provide for EMS services presents the City of <br />Santa Ana with the flexibility to contract services in a manner most beneficial to the City. In this <br />"Appendix" to our proposal, Care Ambulance offers the following general overview of an <br />optional alternative contracting opportunity with our organization. <br />Care Ambulance currently serves the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) and other local <br />cities/fire agencies, with a number of similar "Public/Private" partnerships. These models <br />include an assumption by Care Ambulance of the risk for payment of services and revenue <br />recovery methodology to reimburse the City for cost of ALS services. <br />Specifically, for the City of Santa Ana, Care Ambulance is offering the option to provide all <br />emergency ambulance services in the City of Santa Ana at no cost to the City. Care Ambulance <br />would bill for services using rates already established by the Orange County Board of <br />Supervisors. Care Ambulance would then retain the revenue collected to pay for these services <br />and completely relieve the City of Santa Ana of the risk for non-payment. <br />In addition, Care Ambulance offers to bill for the City's ALS transport services, currently <br />provided in concert with OCFA, and pay that collected ALS revenue directly to the City of Santa <br />RFP # 18-059 — CARE AMBULANCE SERVICE 54 <br />