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upon or supplement many of the principles articulated in this Code of Con- <br />duct. Every employee, administrator, and member of management_ should <br />use the Code of Conduct to understand the specific intent behind each policy <br />and procedure. <br />The standards set forth In the Code and in the Policies and Procedures are <br />mandatory and must be followed. <br />Leadership Responsibilities <br />While all CARE colleagues are ob- <br />ligated to follow our Code, we ex- <br />pect our leaders to set the exam- <br />ple, to be in every respect a mod- <br />el. We expect everyone In the or- <br />ganization with supervisory re- <br />sponsibility to exercise that re- <br />sponsibility In a manner that is <br />kind, sensitive, thoughtful, and <br />respectful. We expect each super- <br />visor to create an environment where all team members feel free to raise <br />concerns and propose ideas. <br />We also expect that they will ensure those on their team have sufficient Infor- <br />mation to comply with laws, regulations, and policies, as well as the re- <br />sources to resolve ethical dilemmas. They must help to create a culture with- <br />in CARE which promotes the highest standards of ethics and compliance. <br />This culture must encourage everyone in the organization to share concerns <br />when they arise, We must never sacrifice ethical and compliant behavior In <br />the pursuit of business objectives. <br />Our Compliance Program encourages what we refer to as "principled leader- <br />ship." Such leadership assumes that those in our organization will lead by ex- <br />ample, confront problems directly and candidly, be inclusive In making deci- <br />sions as to who should participate In the decision-making process, try to give <br />the maximum responsibility to those who work with them, and emphasize <br />effective team -building. In addition to these fundamental approaches to prin- <br />cipled leadership, we expect those in our organization to understand and <br />care about their colleagues at work. CARE's work is accomplished each day, <br />for the most part, in small team settings. This encourages all leaders to try to <br />