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Q pA. <br />City of Santa Ana <br />iii. Report to each other any use or disclosure of PHI not provided for by the <br />Contract of which a party becomes aware; <br />iv. Ensure that any agents or subcontractors to whom either party provides <br />PHI, or who have access to PHI, agree to the same restrictions and <br />conditions that apply to both parties with respect to such PHI; <br />v. Make PHI available to the individual who has a right of access as required <br />under HIPAA; <br />vi. Make available for amendment and incorporate any amendments to PHI <br />when notified to do so by either party; <br />vii. Make available to either party the information required to provide an <br />accounting of the disclosures of PHI made by the one party on the other <br />party's behalf, provided such disclosures are of the type for which an <br />accounting must be made under the Privacy Regulations; <br />viii. Make their internal practices, books and records relating to the use and <br />disclosure of PHI available to the Secretary of the Department of Health <br />and Human Services for purposes of determining either party's <br />compliance with HIPAA and the Privacy Regulations; and <br />ix. At the termination of the Contract, return or destroy all PHI received from, <br />or created or received by one party on behalf of the other party. In the <br />event the return or destruction of such PHI is infeasible, both parties' <br />obligations under this Section shall continue in full force and effect so long <br />as either party possesses any PHI, notwithstanding the termination of the <br />Contract for any reason. <br />City of Santa Ana Page 154 <br />Fire/EMS Emergency Ambulance Transportation and Related Services <br />Request for Proposals: # 18-059 <br />August 28, 2018 <br />