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applicable payroll tax withholdings and deductions. This amount will be paid in a ltunp sum no <br />later than February 1, 2019. EMPLOYEE shall receive additional vacation accrual hours to cover <br />any vacation time taken between the date EMPLOYEE signs this agreement and February 1, 2019. <br />9. EMPLOYEE and the City Council Members mutually agree to refrain from <br />disclosing, making or disseminating negative or derogatory comments orally or in writings <br />(including, but not limited to, emails, letters, notes or text messages) about the other or directing <br />or counseling any other individual to do so. However, nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed <br />to preclude the parties from giving truthful statements, testimony, declarations or other disclosures <br />required by or pursuant to legal process or pursuant to a EMPLOYEE -initiated request for a letter <br />of recommendation or reference as provided for in Paragraph 7 of this Agreement <br />10. EMPLOYEE, on behalf of himself, his relatives, heirs, estate, executors, <br />administrators, successors and assigns, and attorneys (hereinafter "EMPLOYEE") and the City, its <br />council members, officers, employees, agents, and attorneys (hereinafter "City") fully release and <br />discharge the other, including the others' respective attorneys, from all actions, causes of action, <br />claims, judgments, obligations, damages, and liabilities of whatsoever kind and character, <br />including, but not limited to, any actions, causes of action, claims, judgments, obligations, <br />damages, or liabilities, and the causes, procedures and circumstances, surrounding the termination <br />of his employment with the City, including, but not limited to, those arising out of any claims for <br />violation of any alleged contract, express or implied; any covenant of good faith and fair dealing, <br />whether express or implied; any tort; or any federal, state, or local statute or regulation; any federal, <br />state, or local law statute or regulation based on or related to the Age Discrimination in <br />25J-6 <br />