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iWA: u:lrra <br />Alternatives include: <br />• Alternative 1: No Project/No Build <br />• <br />Alternative 2: Reduced Project Alternative <br />• <br />Alternative 3: Build Out of the Existing Zoning Alternative <br />12.5 Evaluation of Alternatives Selected for Analysis <br />Alternative 1: No Project/No Build <br />Description: Pursuant to Section 15126.6(e)(2) of the CEQA Guidelines, the EIR is required to "discuss <br />the existing conditions at the time the Notice of Preparation is published, or if no notice of preparation is <br />published, at the time the environmental analysis is commenced, as well as what would be reasonably <br />expected to occur in the foreseeable future if the Project were not approved, based on current plans and <br />consistent with available infrastructure and community services." Therefore, under this alternative, no <br />development would occur on the Project site and it would remain in its existing condition. However, as <br />described in Section 6.4 of the DEIR, the Project site is located within a completely developed and highly <br />used urban corridor, near freeways and transit, and contains an existing useable structure, and it is not <br />reasonable to assume that the Project site would remain vacant and underutilized in the long-term. In the <br />No Project/No Build condition, it is reasonably expected that the existing 81,172 square foot office <br />building would be re -occupied. Hence, this alternative compares impacts of the Project with re -occupation <br />at full capacity of the existing office building. (DEIR, p. 6-4.) <br />Environmental Effects: The No Project/No Build Alternative would avoid the significant and <br />unavoidable aesthetic impact that would result from the Project and all of the potential construction <br />impacts. Additionally, operational impacts would be reduced and the mitigation measures that are <br />identified in Chapter 4.0, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, of the Final EIR—which include <br />measures related to aesthetics, biological resources, hazards and hazardous materials, noise and vibration, <br />and tribal cultural resources—would not be required. (DEIR, pp. 6-6 through 6-11.) <br />However, the environmental benefits of the Project would also not be realized, such as improvements to <br />storm water quality, removal of contaminated soils, improvements to the jobs/housing balance, and the <br />potential to reduce vehicle miles traveled. The No Project/No Build Alternative would not install storm <br />water filtration features in accordance with DAMP and LID design guidelines that would filter and slow <br />the volume and rate of runoff; the arsenic contaminated soils would remain onsite; and this alternative <br />would provide for the projected employment growth but would not improve the jobs to housing balance <br />within the region and could generate more vehicle miles traveled. <br />Ability to Achieve Project Objectives: The No Project/No Build Alternative would not meet any of the <br />Project objectives. (DEIR, p. 6-11.) The site would not be redeveloped into new high-quality housing near <br />existing employment centers, commercial areas, freeways, and transit. Capital investment related to the <br />Project site to enhance the City's economic and fiscal viability pursuant to the City of Santa Ana Strategic <br />Plan would not occur, and a safe, high-quality, modern residential community with open space and various <br />recreation amenities would not be implemented by this alternative. Overall, this alternative would not <br />meet any of the objectives of the Project. (DEIR, p. 6-11.) <br />Finding: The No Project/No Build Alternative would avoid the significant and unavoidable aesthetic <br />impacts and would avoid the need for mitigation to ensure impacts to various environmental resources <br />Resolution No. <br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park EIR <br />75E-101 <br />Page 63 of 71 <br />