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to the CITY for review and approval by the City Attorney, whose approval shall not be <br />unreasonably withheld. <br />3.6.2 The City Attorney's review shall be limited to determining if the <br />CC&Rs substantially comply with this Agreement and Project's conditions of approval as <br />approved by the City Council and that the CC&Rs incorporate and reference the following <br />information regarding the approved development: <br />(a) The Parking Management Plan <br />(b) The Overcrowding Mitigation Implementation Plan <br />(c) The Property Maintenance Plan <br />(d) The project Conditions of Approval <br />3.6.3 Within thirty (30) days after receiving a copy of the proposed <br />CC&Rs from OWNER, the City Attorney shall provide OWNER with either (i) a statement <br />that the CC&Rs comply with this Agreement ("CC&R Approval") or (ii) written comments <br />identifying each aspect of the CC&Rs which the City Attorney believes not to be in <br />compliance with this Agreement (a "Statement of Non -Compliance"). If the City Attorney <br />fails to provide OWNER with either CC&R Approval or a Statement of Non -Compliance <br />within thirty (30) days following a written request by OWNER, City shall be deemed to <br />have approved the CC&Rs and OWNER may record the CC&Rs against the Property. If the <br />City Attorney provides a Statement of Non -Compliance, OWNER shall have thirty (30) days <br />in which to respond to the Statement of Non -Compliance. Upon submittal of OWNER'S <br />response, the procedure described above for the initial submittal and City Attorney review of <br />proposed CC&Rs shall again be followed. This procedure shall be followed until OWNER <br />either (1) receives CC&R Approval, (2) submits the compliance issues to binding arbitration <br />pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association, (3) files an action for <br />declaratory relief in Orange County Superior Court seeking a judicial determination of the <br />compliance of the proposed CC&Rs, or (4) agreement is otherwise reached between the <br />Parties allowing for the recording of the CC&Rs. The CC&Rs may run with the land and <br />bind OWNER'S successors and assigns. Except as provided above, any dispute between the <br />Parties regarding the CITY'S approval or rejection of the CC&Rs shall be subject to <br />ittnmediate and binding arbitration pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration <br />Association. <br />3.7 Moratoria. Except as specifically set forth in this section, City <br />agrees that no moratorium or other similar limitation (whether relating to the rate, <br />timing, or sequencing of the development of the Project or any part thereof and <br />whether or not enacted by local initiative or otherwise) affecting subdivision/tract <br />traps, grading or building permits, occupancy certificates, or other entitlements <br />approved, issued, or granted within the City, after the Effective Date of this <br />Agreement, shall apply to the Project. OWNER acknowledges and agrees that the <br />provisions hereof shall not preclude the application to the Project of a moratorium <br />or other similar limitation (of the type described in the preceding sentence) enacted <br />in order to protect an imminent threat to the public health or safety. <br />3.8 Development Agreement/Project Approvals. In the event of any <br />inconsistency between any Existing Land Use Regulation and a Project Approval, <br />-12- <br />55394.00002%31553187.10 <br />75E-138 <br />