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provision of this Agreement to the contrary, no Mortgagee shall have an obligation or duty under this <br />Agreement to perform any of OWNER's obligations or other affirmative covenants of OWNER <br />hereunder, or to guarantee such performance; provided, however, that to the extent that any covenant to <br />be performed by OWNER is a condition precedent to the performance of a covenant by CITY, the <br />performance thereof shall continue to be a condition precedent to CITY's performance hereunder, and <br />further provided that any sale, transfer or assigmuent by any Mortgagee in possession shall be subject to <br />the provisions of Section 2.5 of this Agreement. <br />10. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. <br />10.1 Recordation of Agreement. This Agreement and any amendment or <br />cancellation thereof shall be recorded with the Orange County Recorder by the <br />Clerk of the City Council within ten (10) days after the City enters into the <br />Agreement, in accordance with Section 65868.5 of the Government Code. If the <br />Parties to this Agreement or their successors in interest amend or cancel this <br />Agreement, or if the CITY ternunates or modifies this Agreement as provided <br />herein for failure of the OWNER to comply in good faith with the terms and <br />conditions of this Agreement, the City Clerk shall have notice of such action <br />recorded with the Orange County Recorder. <br />10.2 Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets forth and contains the <br />entire understanding and agreement of the parties, and there are no oral or written <br />representations, understandings or ancillary covenants, undertakings or agreements <br />that are not contained or expressly referred to herein. No testimony or evidence of <br />any such representations, understandings or covenants shall be admissible in any <br />proceeding of any kind or nature to interpret or determine the terms or conditions of <br />this Agreement. <br />10.3 Severability. If any term, provision, covenant or condition of this <br />Agreement shall be determined invalid, void or unenforceable, the remainder of this <br />Agreement shall not be affected thereby to the extent such remaining provisions are <br />not rendered impractical to perform taking into consideration the purposes of this <br />Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provision of the Public Benefits set <br />forth in Section 4 of this Agreement, including the payment of the Development <br />Impact Fees set fortis therein, are essential elements of this Agreement and CITY <br />would not have entered into this Agreement but for such provisions, and therefore <br />in the event such provisions are determined to be invalid, void or unenforceable, <br />this entire Agreement shall be null and void and of no force and effect whatsoever. <br />10.4 Interpretation and Governing Law. This Agreement and any <br />dispute arising hereunder shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the <br />laws of the State of California, with venue in Orange County. This Agreement <br />shall be construed as a whole according to its fair language and common [meaning <br />to achieve the objectives and purposes of the parries hereto, and the rule of <br />construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting <br />party shall not be employed in interpreting this Agreement, all parties having been <br />represented by counsel in the negotiation and preparation hereof. <br />-23- <br />55394.0000271553187.10 <br />75E-149 <br />