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EXHIBIT I <br />Conditions of Discretionary Approvals <br />2525 N. Main - Project Approval Conditions: <br />The project is approved subject to compliance, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Planning Manager, with <br />applicable sections of the Santa Ana Municipal Code, the California Administrative Code, the California <br />Building Standards Code, and all other applicable regulations. In addition, it shall meet the conditions of <br />approval articulated in the sections below. <br />The Applicant or Owner, or Owner's successor(s) or assignee(s) (collectively, "Applicant") with the City's <br />consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, must comply with each and every condition listed below <br />The Applicant must remain in compliance with all conditions listed below throughout the life of the <br />development project. Failure to comply with each and every condition may also result in breach of the <br />Development Agreement. <br />GENERAL CONDITIONS <br />Project Description and Entitlements: Approval of this application is to build (Insert Final <br />Approved Project Description and specific entitlements) with such additions, revisions, changes or <br />modifications as required by the Planning Commission as articulated in Planning Commission <br />Resolution No. XXXX, dated XXXX. Subsequent submittals for this project shall be consistent <br />with the Planning Commission's approval and in compliance with the applicable land use <br />regulations of the Santa Ana Municipal Code and any applicable State law and the associated plans <br />presented to the Planning Commission on (Insert PC hearing date) and on file with the City. <br />2. Acknowledgment of Conditions of Approval. The Applicant shall file an Acknowledgment of <br />Conditions of Approval with the Planning and Building Agency within 30 days of final approval <br />-of all resolutions. The property Applicant shall be required to record the Acknowledgment of these <br />Conditions of Approval with the Office of the Orange County Recorder and proof of such <br />recordation shall be submitted to the Planning and Building Agency. <br />3. Enforcement of Conditions. In case of violation of any of the conditions of approval of applicable <br />law, the property owner and tenant will be issued a Notice of Correction pursuant City regulations <br />or pursuant to applicable terms of the Development Agreement, the Maintenance Agreement, and <br />the CC&Rs if said violation is not remedied in accordance with the specified period of time and/or <br />subsequent violations of the conditions of approval and/or City law occurs within ninety days of <br />any Notice of Correction, the property owner shall be held responsible to reimburse the City for all <br />Staff time directly attributable to enforcement of the conditions of approval, mitigation measures <br />as stipulated in the various agreements and/or City law including but not limited to, revocation of <br />the herein approvals. <br />4. Project Plans. Project plans for the development shall be subject to a complete code compliance <br />review with the Planning and Building Agency when the plans are submitted for plan check and <br />shall comply with all applicable City of Santa Ana ordinances, regulations, and policies prior to <br />building permit issuance, including, but not limited to, the requirements established or authorized <br />by Chapter 8 (Building and Structures) and Chapter 41 (Zoning) of the City of Santa Ana Municipal <br />Code. <br />LEGAL <br />75E-169 <br />