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(c) Project Landscaping: Landscaping shall be compliant with the City of Santa Ana's <br />Landscape Water Conservation Ordinance Chapter 41, Article XVI of the Santa Ana <br />Municipal Code. All landscape areas shall have a fully automatic irrigation system <br />(including spray or drip) as required by the City of Santa Ana Landscape Water <br />Conservation Ordinance. <br />(d) All meters shall be appropriately screened from public view with trellis work and <br />vines or hedge -type shrubs, or be incorporated into the residential structure. <br />(e) Installation: Landscaping for the project shall be completed in phases by building and <br />shall be installed and inspected prior to occupancy of units within that building. The <br />Owner shall be responsible for maintaining all common area landscaping within the <br />development. <br />(f) Maintenance: All plant material shall be maintained per Section 41-609 of the Santa <br />Ana Municipal Code. <br />SECTION 15 — Residential Signage in Specific Development No. 93 <br />(a) Signage for the project shall be consistent with Section 41-868 of the Santa Ana <br />Municipal Code. <br />SECTION 16 — Architectural Design in Specific Development No. 93 <br />(a) Exterior materials. Prior to building plan check the Owner shall submit revised <br />architectural elevations subject to the review and approval of the Executive Director <br />of the. Planning and Building Agency. Exterior materials and finishes for the project <br />shall comply with the approved materials board submitted for the' project including <br />stone veneer, brick veneer, ceramic tile, metal canopies, flat and metal seamed roofs. <br />All trash enclosures and similar ancillary structures shall match the texture, material <br />and color of the building. <br />(1) The east building wall windows (at the 40 foot building setback) shall be <br />opaque or clerestory (above eye level) windows. <br />(2) The east wall of the parking structure shall incorporate screen materials and <br />be designed to screen the views from the amenity deck or parking structure <br />to the neighborhood. <br />(b) Green Building. Alternative Transportation and Energy Source, Resource <br />Conservation, and LEED Certification. The project shall be constructed to Silver <br />Standard or better LEED equivalent and shall at the minimum, incorporate bike <br />lockers, bike sharing programing, electric vehicle charging stations, rain capturing <br />systems, grey water capturing systems, and to the extent feasible, automobile sharing <br />programing. <br />(c) Public Art. Public Art shall be installed, and maintained with a value equivalent to <br />75E-216 <br />