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9/25/2010 Indoor Environmental Engineering - Expert Witness Services: Francis (Bud) Offermann PE CIH, Indoor Air Quality, Building Science, IAQ <br />,IEE Indoor Environmental Engineering. <br />}o/ir iarlorir air /tptlit}'.d-Y1) IS -.- <br />Home <br />Expert Witness Services <br />Company Profile <br />Francis (Bud) J. Offermann PE CIH <br />Healthy Building Services <br />Diagnostic Services <br />President: Indoor Environmental Engineering, <br />San Francisco, CA. December, 1981 -present. <br />Laboratory Services <br />e-mail: <br />Workshops & Seminars <br />Education <br />Expert Witness Services <br />. M.S. Mechanical Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, CA. <br />. Graduate Studies in Air Pollution Monitoring and Contra[ University of <br />Resources <br />California, Berkeley, CA. <br />. B.S. in Mechanical Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, <br />News &Events <br />N.Y. <br />Employment <br />Professional Affiliations <br />Contact Us <br />ACGIH, NW, ASHRAE, CSI, ASTM, ISIAQ, PARMA, and USGBC <br />Work Experience <br />Mr. Offennann PE, CIH, has 36 years experience as an IAQ researcher, <br />technical author, and workshop instructor. He Is president of Indoor <br />Environmental Engineering, a San Francisco based tAQ R&D consulting fine. <br />As president of Indoor Environmental Engineering, Mr. Olfennann directs an <br />Interdisciplinary team of environmental scientists, chemists, and mechanical <br />engineers in indoor air quality building Investigations. Under Mr. Olremnann's <br />supervision, IEE has developed both pm-acOve and reactive IAQ measurement <br />methods and diagnostic protocols. He has supervised over 2,000 IAQ <br />investigations in commercial, residential, and institutional buildings and <br />conducted numerous forensic Investigations related to IAQ. <br />Litigation Experience <br />Mr. OHemlann has been qualified numerous times in court as an expert in the <br />field of Indoor air quality and ventilation for both plaintiffs and defendants. He <br />has been deposed over 150 times in rases involving indoor air <br />qualgyNentilation Issues in commercial, residential, and institutional buildings <br />Involving construction defects, and/or operation and maintenance problems. <br />Examples of indoor air quality rases he has worked on are alleged personal <br />injury and/or property damages from mold and bacterial <br />mntaminatioNmoisture intrusion, building renovation activities, insufficient <br />outdoor air ventilation, off gassing of volatile organic compounds from building <br />maturate and coatings, malfunctioning gas heaters and carbon monoxide <br />poisoning, and applications of pesticides. Mr. Ofiemlann has testified with <br />respect to the scientific admissability, of expert testimony regarding Indoor air <br />quality issues via Daubert and Kelly -Frye motions. <br />copyright 2006Infxv 6rvxonmemal Engineering. see design by Tom Temnology. <br />�sxavncs ®axgtvr�cs <br />httpJAvww.lee-sf.00m/expert-v,itnessseNicesrindex.html 75E-267 1N <br />