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2525 North Main Street <br />January 14, 2019 <br />Page 16 <br />architectural style than surrounding single-family dwellings as the architectural styles of single- <br />family homes often do not translate well to multi -storied buildings. <br />Historic Neighborhood <br />The City of Santa Ana has two National Register Districts, Downtown Santa Ana and French <br />Park. Park Santiago is not a registered historic district. A total of 32 historic homes have been <br />documented in Park Santiago of the approximately 1,173 homes in the neighborhood with the <br />majority of the homes being more than 50 years old. As part of the EIR (Section 4.4), Cogstone <br />prepared a Historic Resources Report and concluded that the historic homes in Park Santiago <br />will not have the setting and feeling aspects of integrity reduced by construction of the proposed <br />project and thus there is no reduction in the historic significance of the homes. Future opportunity <br />for the neighborhood to become a historic district still remains and is a public benefit deal point in <br />the Development Agreement. <br />Project Access <br />Vehicular access is proposed via a driveway on Main Street which would only allow for right -in <br />and right -out tum movements as Main Street has a median that separates north -south street <br />traffic. As proposed, to enter the site when traveling southbound on Main Street residents would <br />have to make a U-turn at Edgewood Road, and to exit the development and travel southbound <br />on Main Street residents would have make a right-hand turn (northbound on Main Street) and <br />make a U -tum at Walkie Way or Main Place Drive. The Traffic Impact Analysis prepared for the <br />project analyzed the impacts.of having Main Street as the sole and primary access point and <br />found that operations would not exceed a threshold of significance (DEIR Access Option A). <br />Use of Santiago Park <br />The applicant is proposing secondary access through Santiago Park which would utilize the <br />existing traffic signal at Main Street and Walkie Way/Santiago Park Drive. This would allow for all <br />directional movements to and from the property and reduce the U-turn movements described <br />above. This access option, is not a required element for the project, however it was studied as a <br />secondary access option (DEIR Access Option B) in the Traffic Impact Analysis and found to <br />have a less than significant impact. <br />Various portions of the park were developed with Land & Water Conservation grant funding. As a <br />result, a 6(f)(3) boundary map placed the entire park under federal protection to be preserved as <br />outdoor recreational use. Any proposed changes to the park, such as the proposed vehicular <br />access, will require review by the City's Parks & Recreation Department, the Office of Grants and <br />Local Services and National Park Service and replacement of land with new park land of equal <br />utility and value. The estimated square footage to improve the park for vehicular access is <br />10,000 square feet, in turn the applicant is proposing to provide 10,000 square feet of their <br />75E-284 <br />