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EXHIBIT A <br />the Project that mitigate or avoid the significant effects on the environment." Mitigation Measure N0I-3 <br />has been included to minimize and/or avoid the Project's potential impacts relating to temporary increases <br />in ambient noise levels in the Project vicinity. <br />Facts in Support of Findings: Construction of the Project would generate short-term periodic increases <br />in ambient noise levels at sensitive receptors in the Project vicinity. With implementation of Mitigation <br />Measure NOI-2, noise from operation of large mobile construction equipment (greater than 80,000 <br />pounds) and loaded trucks would be reduced; and Mitigation Measure NOI-3 is included to require <br />installation of a temporary noise barrier that would be a minimum 11 -feet high, constructed of frame - <br />mounted materials such as vinyl acoustic curtains or quilted blankets, and attached to the masonry wall <br />along the eastern Project site boundary or temporary fence posts. In addition, due to the location of existing <br />sensitive receptors, Mitigation Measures NOI-2 and NOI-3 would require a 50 -foot setback for use of <br />large mobile construction equipment and require installation of a temporary noise barrier, which would <br />reduce the temporary and intermittent increase in noise from construction to a less than significant level <br />With implementation of Mitigation Measures NOI-2 andN01-3 temporary and periodic construction noise <br />level increases at receiver locations would be reduced to below the 10 dBA Leq temporary noise level <br />increase threshold. Therefore, with implementation of mitigation, impacts related to periodic temporary <br />increases in noise would be less than significant. <br />To ensure that the Project's potential impacts relating to temporary increases in ambient noise levels are <br />mitigated to a less than significant level, in addition to Mitigation Measure NOI-2, discussed above, the <br />following mitigation measure has been identified: <br />Mitigation Measure N0I-3: The Project plans and specifications shall include the requirement to install <br />a minimum 11 -foot high temporary construction noise barrier along the Project site eastern boundary for <br />the duration of Project construction. The noise control barriers shall have a solid face from top to bottom <br />and shall meet the following height and constructed requirements: <br />• The temporary noise barrier shall provide a minimum transmission loss of 20 dBA (Federal <br />Highway Administration, Noise Barrier Design Handbook). The noise barrier shall be constructed <br />using an acoustical blanket (e.g. vinyl acoustic curtains or quilted blankets) attached to the <br />construction site perimeter fence or temporary fence posts. <br />• The noise barrier shall be maintained, and any damage promptly repaired. Gaps, holes, or <br />weaknesses in the barrier or openings between the barrier and the ground shall be promptly <br />repaired; <br />• The noise control barrier and associated elements shall be completely removed, and the site <br />appropriately restored upon the conclusion of the construction activity. <br />With the implementation of the mitigation measures identified above (MM-NOI-2 and MM-NOI-3), the <br />Project's potential impacts relating to temporary increases in ambient noise levels would be less than <br />significant. (DEIR, pp. 4.8-16 through 4.8-17.) <br />Resolution No. _ <br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park EIR <br />75E-55 <br />Page 17 of 71 <br />