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EXHIBIT A <br />included in the geographic scope. <br />As detailed in Section 4.0, Environmental Setting and Impact Analysis, of the DEIR, the cumulative <br />evaluation in the DEIR determined that the cumulatively considerable impacts from implementation of <br />the Project would be less than significant with implementation of the PDFs and mitigation measures that <br />would reduce the potential of project level impacts to become cumulatively significant. Overall, <br />cumulative impacts from implementation of the Project would be less than significant. (DEIR, p. 4.14-7 <br />through 4.14-8.) <br />Specifically, the City hereby finds as follows: <br />9.17.1 Aesthetics <br />The closest cumulative project is the 2700 North Main Street residential development that is located 0.2 <br />miles north of the Project site and is visible from the site because it is currently developed with an 11 - <br />story office building. This related project involves development of multi -family residences on the site, <br />which would be similar to the character to the proposed Project. The two projects would provide similar <br />multi -family development and would not combine to result in cumulatively considerable impacts. The <br />other cumulative projects are similar to the proposed Project, providing multi -family residential uses that <br />would be consistent with the existing urban, developed character of the viewshed area. As a result, <br />cumulative impacts related to scenic views and visual character and site quality would be less than <br />significant. <br />Cumulative impacts related to shade and shadow would occur when development projects are sufficiently <br />close that shadows from individual buildings combine to create areas of consecutive shading of shadow - <br />sensitive areas. The DEIR details that shadows of the Project do not combine with shadows of other <br />projects to create consecutive shading of any shadow -sensitive areas. Thus, the shading from the Project <br />would not cumulatively combine with other projects, and cumulative impacts related to shade and shadow <br />would be less than cumulatively significant. <br />For these reasons detailed in the DEIR, the Project's cumulative aesthetic effects would not be <br />cumulatively considerable when considered with past, current, and future probable projects. (DEIR, pp. <br />4.1-26 through 4.1-27.) <br />9.17.2 Air Quality <br />SCAQMD's cumulative air quality methodology provides that if an individual project results in air <br />emissions of criteria pollutants that exceed the SCAQMD's daily thresholds for project -specific impacts, <br />then the project would also result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of criteria pollutant(s). As <br />shown in the DEIR, implementation of the Project would not exceed SCAQMD's applicable thresholds. <br />Therefore, impacts related to a cumulatively considerable net increase of a criteria pollutant for which the <br />Project region is in non -attainment would not be cumulatively considerable and would be less than <br />significant. For these reasons, also discussed previously in Section 9.3.3 of these Findings, and in Section <br />4.2, Air Quality, of the DEIR, the Project's cumulative effects on air quality would not be cumulatively <br />considerable. (DEIR, pp. 4.2-7.) <br />Resolution No. <br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park EIR <br />75E-89 <br />Page 51 of 71 <br />