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CITY OF SANTA.: <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT <br />MAI§QA� PARK STO RMWATER CAPTURE <br />`PUBLIC CQNTI2ACT QODr_- SEcTibN10i 62 QUESTICY14NAIRL <br />j1d ceiliformaned: with. Fuhfie C.outr4c1tode Seetjdn IQ162, the I. BIVM4 Shall tonipleO, <br />under pcnalty.of Perj.ury., the following questionnaire: <br />1-16e the DIODER.., dfiy offica of the BIDDER, br any ernpl6yoc 6f the BIDDEK wl)o has a, <br />proprioa interest li� the AOIJER—ever been disqaa.1 . Med, rempy d J."i <br />.r�y. e 7 or other. ise.prevented <br />fmin bidding, on, or conipIctiq a federal, state, Of, local governhicatyrojdat Because. of a <br />v ilo laii fi, of I (awo r a <br />Yes No, <br />XXX <br />If the answer is yo 'rbll' Wj <br />g, explain the 6Mimstantes in the. 6 ng:space. <br />P-16ofP-16., <br />20C-36 <br />