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Orozco, Norma <br />From: darcie cancino < <br />Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2019 12:54 PM <br />To: eComment <br />Subject: City Council Meeting of FebruarCity Council Meeting of February 5, 2019 - Agenda Item <br />75E, Development of 2525 N. Main St. <br />Mayor Pulido and Members of the City Council, please see my comments on the Staff Report for item 75E on <br />the City Council Agenda for February 5, 2019. <br />Let me begin by stating my strong opposition to the development proposed at 2525 N. Main Street, now <br />referred to as "The Addington." This project is too large, too dense, and entirely incompatible with the <br />immediately adjacent neighborhood comprised solely of single family homes. At the Planning Commission <br />meeting on January 14, 2019, the Development Agreement and other requests were overwhelmingly denied. <br />The commissioners wisely acknowledged the irreparable harm this mammoth development would cause to the <br />Park Santiago neighborhood and to the City. <br />I would also like to note that the assessment of public input quantifies that the vast majority of comments, both <br />oral and written, are in opposition to this development. It is only at the November 26, 2018 Planning <br />Commission meeting that "supporters" of the project began to attend the meetings, and these "supporters" <br />would rarely provide their full names, nor would they indicate their address. I have doubts about their true stake <br />in the well-being of Santa Ana or their real interest in the proposed project. <br />I have some specific comments on the Staff Report. I will refer to them by page number for ease of reference. <br />Page 75E-108 Statement of Overriding Considerations indicates that the 55 -year neighborhood "benefits <br />package" is subject to annual review. This means that at year one, the benefits can be removed. Throughout this <br />section, the neighborhood association is incorrectly referred to as Santiago Park Neighborhood Association." <br />This renders any agreement null. The "traffic calming" measures can be decided by the developer, who may <br />decide not to do anything. The Development Agreement allows for Park Santiago residents "limited access" to <br />The Addington's on-site amenities, also subject to annual review. <br />Page 75E168 Park Santiago Patrol Area Map is utterly illegible and meaningless. <br />• Page 75E-224, in the summary of Sunshine Meeting Comments, item 8, the developer <br />acknowledges that the location is incompatible with single family residences due to its immediate <br />proximity to the freeway, so it logically follows that multi -family dwellings would also be inappropriate. <br />• Page 75E-225, in the summary of Sunshine Meeting Comments, item 15, the developer definitively <br />states that they plan to sell the units as condominiums, thus the community "benefits" promised in the <br />Development Agreement would become worthless upon conversion unless renegotiated, which the <br />new buyers would be under no obligation to do. <br />• Page 75E-280 Public Comments/Community Meetings, states that "The applicant shared a revised <br />plan that included ... the removal of the parking structure access from Edgewood Road..." This is <br />inaccurate, as the access is still included in the project plan as Option C. (See page 75E-44) <br />• Page 75E-283 Table 7 Project Height Compared to Approved Apartment Projects, none of the <br />approved projects in the table are of the height and scale of Addington, nor are they immediately <br />adjacent to single-family homes. Further the Bulk/Scale indicates the project is tiered from two stories <br />for the buildings closest to the homes on Edgewood. This is not the case entirely as there is one five - <br />story building on the northeast edge that faces towards the homes on Spurgeon! <br />The Shade/Shadow impact created by the project would result in a change to the shading of the <br />15 <br />