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I think that any zoning change to 2525 N Main ought to be to either allow single family homes, perhaps mixed <br />in with a few, 2-3 story condominiums directly backed up to Main St. What the developer presently wants to <br />build there does not fit the character of the neighborhood, and would degrade the present quality of it. <br />The traffic on Main is already congested. In order to drive the 1.4 miles North to St. Joseph Hospital from there, <br />you must encounter about 8 traffic lights. If people headed North out of that proposed project, but needed to go <br />South, they would need to make a U-turn at Walkie Way. Even now, that is one thing that stops up northbound <br />traffic because it makes the light turn red for all northbound traffic, including those just coming off the <br />freeway. <br />Pedestrian traffic will also increase if this project is built and will negatively affect all that northbound traffic <br />since the Walkie Way light turns red whenever pedestrians cross Main St. This already occurs when people are <br />heading to the Science Museum there. It stops up Northbound traffic not only at Walkie Way, but Main Street, <br />Edgewood Rd., AND the North I-5 offramp. These are all located just 500ft. to the south of there. <br />Imagine how that congestion will be exacerbated when the Main Place re -do is complete (I know it is not yet <br />approved, but it Is actually ALREADY zoned for multifamily housing, and is in the present landowner's stated <br />plans for construction). This is not to mention the multiple -family housing that is already going in at the City of <br />Orange on Town and Country/Main/Lawson Streets. These will definitely affect traffic on Main Street and <br />Memory Lane —all located less than 500ft. North of Walkie Way. <br />No amount of money paid to improve the park or for traffic mitigation in the neighborhood is going to make up <br />for the negative impact it will create in the general area, and to our neighborhood in particular. Please do not <br />allow this developer's perks to persuade you to make the decision that will permanently negatively change <br />options for this bottlenecked part of the city. <br />Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Please act to block the presently proposed plan for 2525 N <br />Main St. <br />Sincerely, <br />Kelly Medina <br /> <br /> <br />a resident of Santa Ana for 58 years, and have seen a lot of changes in that time! <br />