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no parking on Main Street or La Veta. So where will they park? They will be stretched out for blocks in every <br />direction on our streets in Park Santiago. <br />The Myth of Affordable Housing - At the Planning Commission meeting on January 14th, the developer of the <br />2525 project had person after person, most of them paid for by the developer and not Santa Ana residents, <br />talk about how Santa Ana need more affordable housing. There is nothing "affordable" about this project. The <br />rents for these units go from $1800.00 per month for a studio apartment to $3800.00 per month for the <br />largest apartment. That's more a month than I pay for my mortgage. There is no way the "students" that <br />spoke at the January 14th Planning Commission meeting in support of "affordable" housing could afford to <br />live there. <br />The Redevelopment of Main Place Mall - With 1,900 residential units, 400 hotel rooms, 1,400,000 total <br />square feet of commercial space, and up to 750,000 square feet of office space proposed for this site just a <br />few hundred yards up Main Street, there is no way the streets in the area can handle the additional traffic <br />of the 2525 Main project. The Main Place development calls for "affordable" units. The 2525 Main project <br />does not. By the way, all of the studies and research presented by the developer at the January 14th Planning <br />Commission did not include the Main Place development in its impact reports. <br />I must say that the City of Santa Ana could not have chosen a worse place for this project. We in the <br />neighborhood understand that the property will be developed. We just ask that the development be within <br />current zoning laws for the area. Also, since when is it acceptable for a developer to brazenly organize and <br />pay people, many who have nothing to do with Santa Ana, to read from scripts of support during Planning <br />Commission or City Council meetings as this developer has done? Why is it OK for this developer to attempt <br />to bribe people in the Park Santiago neighborhood with home repairs and upgrades to secure their <br />cooperation? Why is it OK for members of the planning commission, and possibly the City Council, to vote <br />on this project when certain members are currently under investigation for accepting money from this <br />developer? A sad day for all involved if this project is passed. Therefore I ask that you follow to the "No" vote <br />of the Planning Commission and vote no to this project. <br />NO TO REZONING 2525 N MAIN STREET <br />Art Mendelsohn <br /> <br /> <br />