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apartments and each have cars that will ultimately park in our neighborhood. They are here for a short time and don't <br />even think about the impact they have. Frequent parties will bring even more cars. <br />We all know this isn't low income housing so for this to be brought up is rather senseless. Not to mention these are <br />apartments. Apartment rent is more than a condo mortgage. It would make more sense if these were condos, but I don't <br />think it should be housing at all. It is zoned for commercial office space with a height restriction that should stay. <br />In terms of the benefits the developer intends to bring to the project, I think our city is responsible for 2 of the biggest <br />items. Security/law enforcement and maintenance for the Santiago Park. It was mentioned earlier in the night that the <br />police could seek to get a raise by using marijuana dispensary tax funds. I would be all for it if these funds help better <br />our policing of this park so it can be kept nice. <br />I know you have a tough decision based on the other night the pro -project folks heavily out weighed the anti -project <br />folks. It would be easy to want to make the majority happy but these people aren't living underneath this development. <br />This is the front door to our unique neighborhood and the impacts this will have on our community will be nothing but <br />disastrous. Please vote as your Planning Commission advises. Please VOTE NO. <br />Thank you for your time and thanks for serving our city!! <br />Sincerely, <br />Rhonda Wood Mojica <br />Sent from my iPad <br />