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Orozco, Norma <br />From: Houston, Nicole <br />Sent: Monday, February 11, 2019 8:28 AM <br />To: eComment <br />Subject: FW: 2525 N. Main Street - unit count and garnering neighborhood support <br />Kind Regards, <br />Nicole Houston [ Executive Assistant <br />City Manager's Offices nhoustonCd) <br />714.647.5200 120 Civic Center Plaza I Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />This email and any files or attachments transmitted with it may contain privileged or otherwise confidential information. If you are <br />not the intended recipient, or believe that you may have received this communication in error, please advise the sender via reply <br />email and immediately delete the email you received. <br />From: Diane Fradkin[ <br />Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2019 9:35 AM <br />To: Pulido, Miguel <> <br />Cc: Mitre -Ramirez, Norma <> <br />Subject: 2525 N. Main Street - unit count and garnering neighborhood support <br />Honorable Mayor Pulido: <br />You and the council will hear more testimony on the above referenced project at the next council hearing on <br />Feb 19th. As a resident of Park Santiago, I am not opposed to responsible development. However I am <br />opposed to the 2525 N. Main Street project as currently proposed with 84/DUAs as it is too dense and too <br />intense for this location. <br />One thing I would like to point out is that the developer claims he has worked with the neighborhood in the <br />video presented by Pam Sapetto at the council hearing on Feb 5th. This is not factually correct. Yes, we've <br />had meetings with the City and the developer but there has never been a workshop session where the <br />developer was willing to make any kind of concession that would help garner support by the neighborhood. <br />The project alternative in the DEIR shows 59/DUAs or 347 units. If the City is predetermined to multi -family <br />residential at this location then the revised/redesigned proiect needs to be less than the alternative as the site <br />is physically constrained by the 5 way intersection of Main St/Edgewood Rd/North bound 5 Fwy Off-ramp/5 <br />Fwy Car Pool Lane On/Off ramps. Ideally something around 30/DUAs (approx. 200 units), 2 and 3 stories, 90' <br />setback on the eastern edge, 25' setback on the southern edge and an architecture of <br />Mission/Monterey/Spanish style, not modern and blocky, would be much more manageable than the <br />84/DUAs proposed. <br />The developer has NEVER made a concession as to the number of units and the staff report dropped only <br />10 ..... this is not how one works with the neighborhood to garner their support. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Diane Fradkin <br />