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Seven Gables Real Estate, the proposed 6 story 476 unit apartment building will have a negative <br />effect on the values of the homes in the Park Santiago neighborhood. For this reason alone, the <br />Divison 26 — (SD) Specific Development language of the City of Santa Ana municipal code cannot <br />be used legally to change the zoning of the 2525 Main Street site. <br />3. The applicant has not acted in good faith and his actions have been very disrespectful to the <br />community, the Planning Commission, and to the City Council. It is very obvious that he is <br />paying people to speak in support of his project. I would suggest that over ninety percent of the <br />people speaking in favor of the project do not live near it and actually know very little about it. <br />Please do not reward such bad behavior. <br />I respectfully ask that you vote to deny the applicant's current proposed project as it is too big and too <br />intense for the location. Please steer the applicant and the City's Planning Department in another <br />direction. I would be in support of a large new three story Professional Office building or a multifamily <br />project that was greatly reduced in size. <br />John Fradkin <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />