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January 25, 2019 <br />2019 FIR -5 !„ g: 57 <br />Dear Mayor Pulido, <br />CITY Cr" S NT "A <br />C L E i' i'; i`1 i <br />First let me congratulate you on your victory in this past election. I also want to wish you and your <br />family a Happy New Year. My wife and I have lived in the Park Santiago neighborhood of Santa Ana <br />for more than 14 years. We fell in love with the neighborhood the first time we saw it and really <br />love living here in this quaintjewel of Santa Ana where the neighbors are close, friendly, warm and <br />passionate about their neighborhood. I am writing this letter to you because on February 5th you <br />and your fellow Councilmembers will be asked to make a very important decision on a proposed <br />high density, multi -family 496 unit apartment complex known as 2525 North Main Street Project at <br />the gateway to our lovely neighborhood. On January 1411, the Santa Ana Planning Commission <br />rejected and voted against the 2525 North Main Street project as planned and presented and cited <br />the density disparity and the significantly negative impact that the development, as currently <br />planned, would have on the Park Santiago neighborhood. In response, the Developer has decided <br />to move forward with this project to bring it before the Santa Ana City Council in the hopes that the <br />Councilmembers will reject the Santa Ana Planning Commission's recommendation and vote to <br />approve the project as it currently stands. I ask you to please discuss this project with your <br />appointed Planning Commissioner Mark McLoughlin to get a better understanding of this project <br />and the impact that if approved it will have on our community. On February S" you will be <br />presented with a very important decision to make. This is a decision that I know you will take <br />very seriously and consider the impact your decision will have on the residents of my community, <br />a decision that you will make in a matter of hours, however one that will have a lifetime impact <br />on the residents of the Park Santiago neighborhood. <br />As has been voiced by a vast majority of the residents of Park Santiago, we are not against <br />development, however what we want is responsible development. The proposed 2525 North Main <br />Street Project, which currently adds a 496 unit apartment complex with a density of 84 units per <br />acre right at the doorstep of our community of single family homes with a density of 7 units per <br />acre, is not responsible development. It is the disparity in the densities and the subsequent <br />negative effect this brings that are of most concern to the residents of Park Santiago. This reflects <br />the fact that the Planning Department's project management staff failed to enlist the residents of <br />Park Santiago early in the planning stages of the project and also showed a distinct partiality to the <br />Developer and his desires for the project. The project as currently planned will never be accepted <br />by the residents of Park Santiago. I believe that you would agree that a project that addresses the <br />concerns of the Park Santiago residents, one that would be welcomed by the neighborhood as part <br />of the neighborhood is the best outcome for all involved, the Park Santiago residents, the <br />apartment owners and operators, the apartment residents and the City of Santa Ana. In the <br />remainder of this letter I will point out issues with the project and with the project management <br />team's approach and process in bringing this project to the City Council for action, evidence that <br />the project management staff failed in their fiduciary responsibility to the residents of Santa Ana in <br />general and Park Santiago specifically, instead demonstrated a true bias in favor of the Developer. <br />What I am asking you to do is to reject the proposal as it currently stands and request the Planning <br />3� <br />