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significant. By allowing these changes that the Developer has requested, it once again <br />shows that the project management team has placed the Developer's needs over the <br />concerns of the residents of Park Santiago. <br />9. The EIR identifies one "significant and unavoidable" impact associated with this project, <br />which pertains to aesthetics. CEQA guidelines Section 15126.6 (c) requires that "an EIR <br />analyze a reasonable range of alternatives to the proposed project that could feasibly avoid <br />or reduce any significant unavoidable impacts of the project." However the project <br />management team's selection of alternatives for the proposed project failed to list the <br />most obvious alternative, development of the property into single family homes. The <br />Developer was asked in one of the neighborhood meetings if they would consider <br />developing the property with single family homes and the response was that they are in <br />the multi -family home development business and would not consider any other <br />alternative. To most people it is obvious that if an alternative to the project was single <br />family homes it would meet the CEQA guidelines of selecting an alternative that could <br />"feasibly avoid or reduce any significant unavoidable impacts of the project" namely the <br />aesthetic significant impact. When this was pointed out to the project management team <br />as a response to the draft EIR their response was "The alternative to develop the site with <br />single-family residences ... is not a variation of the proposed project or allowed under the <br />existing General Plan land use designation and zoning for the project site. In addition, the <br />project's underlying purpose is to develop multi family residential uses on the project site. <br />Asingle-family residential alternative would not meet the project's objective." The refusal <br />of the project management team and the assertions that single-family residential would <br />not meet the project's objective can be read more realistically as that single-family <br />residential, while it would eliminate the aesthetics significant impact, would not meet the <br />Developer's requirements. Again this is evidence that the project management team has <br />approached this project with a desire to meet the Developer's requirements over the <br />expressed concerns of the residents of Park Santiago. <br />10. The City of Santa Ana General Plan currently identifies the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for <br />North Main Street to be 1.5. As noted in the Request For Planning Commission Action, <br />the proposed project has a Floor Area Ratio of 2.28, significantly more than the City of <br />Santa Ana General Plan allows. If the project were to be designed using a FAR of 1.5 it <br />would represent a 35% reduction in the size of the project! This is additional evidence that <br />the project management team is siding with the Developer's requests and attempting to <br />dictate revisions to the General Plan to allow the Developer's plan. <br />11. In the Request For Planning Commission Action the project management team in the <br />Neighborhood Character section readily admits that the "project is not in character with <br />the neighborhood, which it shares two sides with, as the neighborhood is comprised of <br />single-family dwellings and the project is a high density multi family housing project." <br />The Park Santiago neighborhood is comprised of homes of varying styles including colonial, <br />Spanish, ranch and craftsman, several over 100 years old. The project as planned is <br />designed in a modern contemporary architectural style which as admitted by the project <br />management team doesn't fit the character of the neighborhood. However, instead of <br />working with the Developer to provide an architectural design (Spanish for example) that <br />would fit better with the existing Park Santiago neighborhood, they wrote it off as <br />