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Santa Ana City Council Members <br />2/5/2019 <br />Subject: 2525 Main St. and Sound Planning for the Future of Santa Ana <br />Dear City Council Members, <br />I am pro -development of the 2525 Main parcel, and I want what is good for the future <br />of Santa Ana. In order to attract solid growth in this city, the development of this <br />property must fit current zoning laws for Professional and Administrative office use. <br />We as a City have an opportunity and a responsibility to create something fantastic with <br />2525 by building a tech incubator/hub campus where start-ups with angel investors can <br />work on next generation technology. I work in the tech field implementing cutting edge <br />solutions, and I know 1) that the medical technology field is hot, 2) St. Joe's and other <br />research institutions as well as universities are close by, and 3) if you offer a technology <br />centric workplace with a relaxed campus atmosphere, these businesses will come. These <br />companies, as they grow, will move into larger quarters in the same area if the pricing <br />and environment is attractive because they know people will want to continue to walk <br />to work, entertainment venues, gyms, grocery stores, and restaurants. There is no <br />reason to believe that the new office development at Main Place won't fit that bill. We <br />only have to look at Silicon Beach in LA with unaffordable housing and commercial space <br />costs as well as the price point and caliber of the 3500+ rental units within half a mile of <br />this property to know that this is exactly the business solution that could make North <br />Santa Ana a sought after place to live and work. <br />North Santa Ana residential neighborhoods have already proven they can be good <br />neighbors with businesses. We also know what happens to historical neighborhoods <br />located next to high density housing with underallocated parking. There is no reason to <br />believe that things will be any different in the future when we look at City Place today <br />and the fact they felt strongly enough about PRISMA residents taking over their parking <br />spots to post official signs telling them to discontinue doing so. <br />In keeping with the NIMBY/YIMBY labeling that's been flying around on this issue, I <br />believe the folks who are pro workplace development within existing zoning rules for <br />the 2525 site are in fact YIMBYs. YES, WE BELIEVE THE CITY GOT IT RIGHT WHEN IT <br />DESIGNATED THIS PROPERTY FOR PROFESSIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE USE! <br />We want that in our backyard. <br />