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Many people were denied due process when they were required to wait outside during the February 5, 2019 <br />City Council Meeting. Temperatures were in the 40 degree range, the wind was howling, debris was blowing <br />an the audio was insufficient to adequately hear the proceedings. <br />Elderly, handicapped and just plain cold people couldn't handle the lengthy delay in getting in and left early <br />because of these unfavorable conditions. I respectfully request measures be taken to ensure we don't have a <br />repeat scenario. Ideally another venue should be chosen. <br />It is my understanding that certain formalities need to occur to select another venue. If this requires a new <br />date be chosen, I measure should be taken now to make this happen. If that is not possible then I suggest the <br />following: <br />1. Provide enough seating outside. <br />2. Rent portable heaters. <br />3. Ask at the beginning of the meeting for people to move to the center of the aisle. Many seats were <br />unoccupied. <br />4. Don't allow people to have preferential seating. Walkie Ray called Cgulnick and was allowed to be <br />escorted; Sal Tinajero allowed to come in late; David Benavides allowed to come in late; Michelle <br />Martinez sitting in reserved staff seats. All while one of our speakers, Rob Richardson, who as you <br />know has the same credentials, sat out in the cold for over 6 hours. <br />5. Schedule now for a different venue for the second reading. <br />