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Santa Ana City Council Members, <br />f <br />Received at City Council <br />Meeting 2/19/2019 <br />Q There are multiple reasons Park Santiago neighbors have come together along with <br />R several surrounding Neighborhoods to oppose the 2525 Main Street project. <br />y Many obvious ones have been brought to the cities attention through emails, letters, <br />phone calls, council and planning meetings. <br />Main Street will be unable to function as it is intended to be an arterial road for <br />K transportation. <br />The city is concerned that adding 60 cars during non peak hours at Grand and Santa <br />R Clara due to the fact that Spring Charter School would like to add two more grades to <br />the curriculum. This is interesting given the minute size this has compared to not only <br />K the amount of cars 2525 Main Street project will bring but also those projects recently <br />completed, nearing completion and some 3000 more units proposed in a two block <br />0 area. <br />Which brings us to the lack of service's the city already can't provide to its existing <br />residents. As it is there isn't adequate infrastructure, water or electricity. <br />The negative impact Santiago Park will incur for it's size compared to the high density <br />project planned on the Parks edge, not to mention an absurd idea floated using the park <br />for an exit from the 2525 Main Street proposed apartment complex. <br />Pollution, noise, trash, crime along with all the other negatives that come with high <br />density complexes. <br />This is the only high density project in the city that is next to, and part of a <br />neighborhood. <br />These are just a few reasons you have previously heard. <br />The developer purchased this property knowing what it's existing limitations are, and <br />now asks for major changes in zoning not conducive to the Park or the neighborhood <br />who's boundary it is within. <br />Rory <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />