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September 4, 2018 <br />Submitted via email to skelaher(o).santa-ana.ora and via USPS <br />Selena Kelaher, Associate Planner <br />City of Santa Ana Planning and Building Agency <br />PO BOX 1988 <br />Santa Ana, CA 92702 <br />Re: Magnolia at the Park (now known as Addington) <br />Multi -Family Residential Project <br />Draft Environmental Impact Report <br />State Clearinghouse Number: 2018021031 <br />City of Santa Ana: DP No, 2017-34 <br />Ms. Kelaher, <br />This letter contains my comments regarding the draft Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") for the <br />proposed Magnolia at the Park (Addington) project at 2525 N. Main Street (generally referred to hereafter <br />as "Magnolia" or "the project'). I am a 20 -year resident of the Park Santiago neighborhood ('Park <br />Santiago") and have lived and worked in the area since 1973. <br />1 am unequivocally opposed to any rezoning of the parcel located at 2525 N. Main Street from <br />Professional Administration Office to Specific Development. <br />The size and scale of Magnolia is unsuited for this location due to the density, height of the buildings, <br />scale of the project, immediate adjacency to a neighborhood comprised solely of historic single-family <br />residences, and the increase in traffic that the project will bring. Additionally, due to its close proximity to <br />the freeway, for health and safety reasons the parcel is not appropriate for a residential development. <br />25525 N. Main Street must remain zoned as Professional, as it has long been. No Rezoning. No <br />General Plan Amendment. No Apartments. <br />Despite my unwavering objection to any rezoning of the parcel, the following comments address specific <br />areas of concern. <br />3.0 Project Description <br />3.6 Proiect Characteristics. Construction Activities <br />The draft EIR indicates Magnolia would be completed in a time period exceeding one year and <br />construction activities would occur Monday through Saturday, 7:00am-8:00pm. This would be a significant <br />disruption to the peace and quiet of adjacent homes and would result in unacceptable noise and activity <br />levels, particularly on evenings and weekends. The proposed mitigation measure indicated in N01-3 is <br />inadequate, considering the extremely close adjacency to single-family residences on the east side of the <br />project. Construction activities should be limited to Monday through Friday, 7:00am-5:O0pm, regardless of <br />the outcome of this project review. Although construction noise is permissible by Santa Ana Municipal <br />Code for the hours indicated in the EIR, the sheer size and lengthy duration of this project, and its <br />immediate adjacency to single-family residences, warrants further restrictions on the days and hours of <br />construction. <br />