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Received at City Council <br />Meeting 2/19/2019 <br />Kristin and Giles Candy <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />February 10"' 2019 <br />Dear Santa Ana City Council and Planning Commission: <br />I am a resident of Park Santiago - 2335 Oakmont Ave <br />Thank you for the time spent in multiple Council and Planning Commission Meetings listening to <br />public testimony. Thank you to the Planning Commission for the No vote on the 2525 N Main Project <br />at the last meeting. This is why zoning laws and Planning Commissions exist. The correct decision <br />was made. So far the process has worked. Again: Thank you. <br />Note, the area of Park Santiago surrounding 2525 N Main has a population density of 2,600 <br />people /square mile (Santa Ana Data). The Development would, using the developer's I believe <br />underestimated numbers, have a population density of over 100,000 people per square mile <br />(Manhattan) or a 40 X differential. Considering density differential alone it is clear this is not an <br />appropriate development to include inside Park Santiago. Is there ANY measure on which such <br />a disparity can be supported? I cannot see one. <br />Park Santiago is a single family residence neighborhood containing many homes which the City <br />of Santa Ana recognizes as historic. The currently proposed 2525 N Main development is for a <br />contemporary, medium rise, very high density, luxury apartment complex INSIDE Park Santiago. <br />This is the most incompatible proposed development of Park Santiago. <br />Traffic; the currently presented traffic projection is not credible. PLEASE ask for an independent <br />assessment, OR place someone responsible now, with published consequences, for the <br />inaccuracy of the projections should the project proceed. <br />Most, if not all, in Park Santiago would like to see an appropriate development of the land. Be it <br />office space or lower density housing. A new development cannot be historic today but it can be <br />much more compatible. Would a population density disparity of tenfold be a more reasonable <br />point at which to consider developments inside Park Santiago, or a modern 2 storey office <br />building? Please find a way to build a constructive, appropriate development for our City and <br />Neighborhood at 2525 N Main. <br />H <br />Q,- <br />