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EIR No. 2018-01, DA No. 018-01, GPA No. 2018-06, <br />AA No. 2018-10 2525 North Main Street <br />February 5, 2019 <br />Page 6 <br />Analysis of the Issues <br />Environmental Imoact ReDort <br />�he applicant submitted a development proposal that requires the approval of several discretionary <br />applications. �iven the size and location of the project, as well as the proposed zoning and general plan _ - Commented [DH101: This should he a red <br />modifications, extensive environmental review was needed. After completion of the Initial Study for the flag to everyone] <br />project, it was determined that the California Environmental Quality Ac[ (CEQA) required the preparation <br />and certification of an environmental impact report (EIR) for this project. The purpose of an EIR is to identify <br />the significant effects on the environment of a project, to identify alternatives to the project, and to indicate <br />the manner in which those significant effects can be mitigated or avoided. To determine what potential <br />effects would be caused by the project, the EIR analyzed issues related to Aesthetics; Air Quality; Biological <br />Resources; Cultural/Historic Resources; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Hazards and Hazardous Materials; Land <br />Use and Planning; Noise; Population and Housing; Public Services; Transportation and Circulation; Tribal <br />Cultural Resources; Utilities and Service Systems; and Energy. <br />On February 12, 2018, the Initial Study and Notice of Preparation were released to solicit comments <br />regarding the scope and content of the Draft EIR (DEIR). A scoping meeting was held on March 1, 2018 with <br />approximately 164 people in attendance and a total of 163 written comment letters were received at the <br />conclusion of the 30 -day public comment period. �he comments were reviewed and additional areas of <br />analysis and studies were added to the scope of the Draft EIR as appropriate. �he comments are included Commented [DH111:1 do not see the <br />as Appendix A of the Draft EIR. additional areas of analysis that were added. <br />This should be Identified. <br />The Draft EIR analyzed the direct and indirect impacts resulting from construction and operation of the <br />proposed project. In addition to analyzing fourteen environmental topic areas, the EIR also evaluated three <br />options for access and egress to the project. The analysis included Main Street access only as proposed <br />(Option A), access from Main Street plus a secondary access/egress driveway at the Main Street and Walkie <br />Way/Santiago Park intersection (Option B), and access/egress from both Main Street and Edgewood Road <br />(Option C). <br />Three project alternatives were also analyzed within the document. These included a no build alternative, <br />where the existing approximately 80,000 square foot building would remain as is and be reoccupied by an <br />office use (Alternative 1); a reduced multi -family project consisting of a 30 percent reduction in density <br />(Alternative 2); kind build out of the site under the existing Professional zoning district development <br />standards, which could result in an approximately 390,000 square foot two and three-story office building <br />(Alternative 3).L - <br />The Draft EIR determined that the proposed project would require mitigation related to aesthetics, air <br />quality, biological resources, hazardous materials, construction noise and vibration, interior noise, and tribal <br />resources. Mmpacts related to aesthetics would remain significant and unavoidable after mitigation.l_ _ _ _ _ <br />On August 7, 2018, the Draft EIR was circulated for review and comment to public, City Council, Planning <br />Commission, local, regional and state agencies, and interested parties for a 45 -day public comment review <br />period. In addition, a Planning Commission public hearing was held on August 27, 2018 where staff <br />presented the EIR process and environmental information to the Planning Commission and pubic and <br />received public comments on the DEIR. To allow for additional time for public review and comment, and at <br />75E-6 <br />Commented [DH12]: The 390,000 square <br />foot building that is referenced is a <br />theoretical building size and not one that can <br />actually be built in Santa Ana. <br />The building would be two-thirds that size <br />Commented [DH 131: I'm having real hard <br />time finding what mitigation is taking place. <br />Even so, this remains a significant and <br />unavoidable Impact to Park Santiago. <br />
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