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EIR No. 2018-01, DA No. 018-01, GPA No. 2018-06, <br />AA No. 2018-10 2525 North Main Street <br />February 5, 2019 <br />Page 9 <br />The agreement also includes �Iovisions f - n ent plan, live work pre ere ce jl <br />focal sourcing plan, construction man agei a . y maintenance plans. The development <br />agreement has been signed by the applicant indicating agreement to the terms. The agreement is not <br />considered final until the City Council has reviewed and approved the agreement and the agreement is <br />executed by all parties. <br />General Plan Amendment <br />To allow for the construction of a multi -family residential development on this parcel, a general <br />plan amendment is required. ,currently, the land use designation for this site is Professional and <br />Administrative Office (PAO), which applies to areas that are predominately professional offices <br />and/or administrative offices or areas where such development is encouraged. 'his project will _ <br />require an amendment to the Land Use Element to amend the General Plan Land Use designation <br />of the site to District Center (DC) with a density of 81 dwelling units per acre (reduced from 87 <br />du/ac based on staff recommended changes) or a floor area ratio of 2.21 (Exhibit 3). <br />�he purpose for maintaining and supporting professional office areas are to increase employment <br />opportunities for local residents, enhance the diversity of the Citys economic base, to develop <br />mutually beneficial and supportive business clusters in the City and to support uses that create <br />little to no nuisances to nearby residents or businesses. �everal properties to the north and west _ <br />across Main Street are designated as PAO therefore work to create a professional business district. <br />Areas such as this northern gateway of the City provide a rich employment base for many residents <br />of the City and those in the region who work in the area. <br />District Centers bre major activity areas of the City. Currently, several areas to the northwest, <br />__________________ <br />northeast, south of the Santa Ana 1-5 freeway and along Main Street north of Seventeenth Street <br />are designated as District Centers. District Centers are designed to serve as anchors to the City's <br />commercial corridors and to accommodate higher density development projects. These areas are <br />to be developed with an urban character that includes a mixture of high-rise offices, commercial <br />and multi -family residential uses which provide shopping, business, cultural and housing <br />opportunities within close proximity to each other, close to transportation opportunities and in <br />prime development focus areas. Residential development withinthese areas are allowed at a <br />If approved, the project could support several goals and policies of the Housing Element. First, the <br />project would be consistent with Goal 2, which encourages diversity of quality housing, <br />affordability levels and living experiences that accommodate Santa Ana's residents and workforce _ <br />of all household types, income levels and age groups to foster an inclusive community. Second, the <br />project would support Goal 4, to provide adequate rental and ownership housing opportunities <br />and supportive services. Further, the project would be consistent with Policy HE2.2 to create <br />District Centers with high intensity, mixed-use urban villages and pedestrian oriented experiences. <br />Finally, the project would be consistent with Policy HE -2.4 to facilitate diverse types, prices and <br />sizes of housing. The project would also be consistent with goals of the Land Use Element, including <br />7SE-9 <br />Commented [DH24]: The current land use <br />designation is in accordance with the General <br />Plan land Use Element [page 60]: "These <br />areas [PAO] are typically adjacent to low <br />density residential neighborhoods, or are <br />converted residential office uses." <br />Commented [DH25]: We believe in this: <br />increasing employment opportunities for <br />local residents, enhance the diversity of the <br />City's economic base, develop mutually <br />beneficial and supportive business clusters in <br />the City and to support uses that create little <br />to no nuisances to nearby residents or <br />businesses. This is what the PAO zoning is all <br />aboutl <br />Commented [DH26[: 2525 should not be a <br />District Center] <br />Commented [DH27]: To avoid being rent <br />poor (more than 30 percent of income is used <br />on rent) <br />An occupant would need to earn a minimum <br />of $801K to rent a studio and $152K to rent <br />the smallest 3 -bedroom to avoid being rent <br />poor. <br />