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Dale Helvig <br /> <br /> <br />Tuesday, November 13, 2018 <br />Minh Thai, Executive Director, Planning <br />Planning and Building Agency e M-20 <br />20 Civic Center Plaza <br />Santa Ana CA 92702 <br />Subject: 2525 N. Main Residential Development Sunshine Meeting Rebuttal <br />The applicant, AC 2525 Main LLC, submitted to the city a Sunshine Ordinance Community Meeting <br />Report. NSAPA finds the report lacking in facts and it does not represent the meeting that was held <br />on November 15, 2017. The rebuttal was written in February 2018, after the applicant finally <br />submitted their version. A far cry from the requirement to provide timely and detailed minutes of <br />the meeting including a written record of the comments provided by the community members. I <br />would like to offer my viewpoint on how the meeting was conducted. In addition, please include this <br />with the package be given to the Planning Commission. <br />Prior to responding line -by-line I would like to list a few glaring oversites on their part. <br />1. The meeting was attended by 400-500 concerned residents. The applicant, AC 2525 Main <br />LLC, had sign -in sheets and should be able to provide an accurate count on attendees. The shear <br />number of people attending is indicative of the community concerns regarding this project and it <br />should be included in the report. <br />2. The notes do not address a straw poll that was held at the meeting where attendees were asked if <br />they wanted apartments built at 2525 N. Main St. The verbal response was overwhelming, 99% <br />voted nay with only 4-5 people voting yea. <br />3. The report makes no reference to the raw negative emotion exhibited by an overwhelming <br />majority of the residents in attendance. <br />4. The applicant made a mockery of the Sunshine Ordinance. <br />5. The applicant did very little preparation and coordination work for the Sunshine meeting. <br />Sunshine Meeting Report - Neighborhood Rebuttal -Table View <br />Page 1 of 2 2018-11-13 <br />