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TB 3.5.2019 <br />(1) The name of the person charged with any violation of the <br />Code. <br />(2) The date(s) on which the person violated the Code. <br />(3) The section(s) of the Code so violated. <br />(4) The location where the violation occurred. <br />(5) A notice that each violation of the Code also constitutes a <br />nuisance and that nuisance abatement costs may be enforced <br />as an assessment or lien against the real property and/or <br />location where the Code violation occurred. <br />(6) A statement indicating that any person receiving a notice of <br />violation may file an appeal pursuant to Chapter 1 (Section <br />21.8) within fifteen (15) days from the issuance of the citation. <br />The absence of any of the above information in the Notice of <br />Violation form shall not invalidate the City's process or issuance of <br />the Notice of Violation. <br />(g) The City shall have the authority to impose an administrative fine for <br />violations of this Section following the issuance of an administrative <br />citation as authorized in subdivision (f) below. The City is authorized <br />to collect the amount of the fine specified below in addition to any <br />other amount to which the City may be entitled under the law. The <br />fines shall be in the following amounts and shall be due to the City <br />within thirty (30) days of the date of the issuance of the citation as <br />follows: <br />(1) <br />1 st response: No fine <br />(2) <br />2nd subsequent <br />response: <br />$100.00. <br />(2) <br />3rd subsequent <br />response: <br />$250.00. <br />(3) <br />4th subsequent <br />response: <br />$500.00. <br />(4) <br />5th subsequent <br />response: <br />$750. <br />(5) <br />6th subsequent <br />response <br />or thereafter: $1,000 <br />(h) Collection of Unpaid Fines. At its discretion, the City may pursue any <br />and all legal and equitable remedies to collect unpaid fines imposed <br />pursuant to this Chapter. Pursuit of one remedy does not preclude <br />the pursuit of any other remedy. It is intended that persons, <br />maintaining, and/or permitting the violation, and not the taxpayers, <br />bear the financial burden of the City's enforcement activity. <br />(i) Cumulative Remedies. The remedies provided under this chapter <br />are cumulative, and shall not restrict the City's ability to pursue any <br />other remedy to which it is entitled under law or equity. Nothing in <br />this Chapter shall be deemed to preclude the imposition of any <br />criminal penalty, nor shall anything in this Chapter be deemed to <br />y ll <br />