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<br />LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 2-17-3881-1 <br />Tustin Avenue Retail, Santa Ana <br />N:\3800\2173881 - Tustin Avenue Retail, Santa Ana\Report\3881 - Tustin Avenue Retail, Santa Ana TIA 03-13-18.doc <br /> 1 <br />REVISED FOCUSED TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS REPORT <br />TUSTIN AVENUE RETAIL <br />Santa Ana, California <br />March 13, 2018 <br />(Update of the September 20, 2017 Report) <br /> <br /> <br />1.0 INTRODUCTION <br />This Focused Traffic Impact Analysis report addresses the potential traffic impacts and circulation <br />needs associated with Tustin Avenue Retail Project (hereinafter referred to as Project) in the City of <br />Santa Ana and has been prepared in response to the City of Santa Ana’s Development Review <br />Committee comment from the Public Works Agency. The Project will include the development of a <br />commercial building with a drive-through and a gas station convenience store at 301 and 325 N. <br />Tustin Avenue, respectively. The Project would include construction of a 7,417 square-feet (SF) <br />commercial building with drive-through to replace a 4,200 sit-down restaurant and a 2,778 SF gas <br />service station convenience store to replace the existing gas station building and car wash. <br />1.1 Scope of Work <br />This traffic report documents the findings and recommendations of a traffic impact analysis <br />conducted by Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers (LLG) to determine the potential impacts <br />associated with the proposed Project. The traffic analysis evaluates the existing operating conditions <br />at four (4) key study intersections one (1) key roadway segment within the project vicinity, estimates <br />the trip generation potential of the proposed Project, and forecasts future near-term (Year 2019) <br />operating conditions without and with the proposed Project. Where necessary, intersection <br />improvements/mitigation measures are identified. <br />This traffic report satisfies the traffic impact requirements of the City of Santa Ana and is consistent <br />with the current Congestion Management Program (CMP) for Orange County. The Scope of Work <br />for this traffic study, which is included in Appendix A, was developed in conjunction with City of <br />Santa Ana Public Works Department staff. <br />The project site has been visited and an inventory of adjacent area roadways and intersections was <br />performed. Existing weekday peak hour traffic count information has been collected at four (4) key <br />study intersections and one (1) key roadway segment for use in the preparation of intersection level <br />of service calculations. Information concerning cumulative projects (planned and/or approved) in the <br />vicinity of the proposed Project has been researched at the City of Santa Ana and City of Tustin. <br />Based on our research, there are sixteen (16) cumulative projects located in the City of Santa Ana <br />and eight (8) cumulative projects located in the City of Tustin. The twenty-four (24) cumulative <br />projects were considered in the cumulative traffic analysis for this project. <br />This traffic report analyzes existing and future weekday daily, AM peak hour and PM peak hour <br />traffic conditions for a near-term (Year 2019) traffic setting upon completion of the proposed <br />2-60