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<br />LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 2-17-3881-1 <br />Tustin Avenue Retail, Santa Ana <br />N:\3800\2173881 - Tustin Avenue Retail, Santa Ana\Report\3881 - Tustin Avenue Retail, Santa Ana TIA 03-13-18.doc <br /> 44 <br />14.0 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS <br /> Project Description – The Project site is comprised of two parcels and is currently occupied by <br />an existing gas station building and car wash at 325 N. Tustin Avenue and a sit-down restaurant <br />at 301 N. Tustin Avenue. The site is generally located south of Fourth Street and east of Tustin <br />Avenue. Both properties are located in the Professional (P) zoning district. 301 N. Tustin Avenue <br />has a General Plan land use designation of Professional & Administrative Office (PAO) and 325 <br />N. Tustin has the General Plan land use designation of General Commercial (GC). As proposed, <br />the Project requires approval of a general plan amendment to change the land use designation <br />from PAO to GC, zone change from P to Commercial General (C2) and a conditional use permit <br />for the proposed drive-through services. <br />The Project will include the development of a commercial building with a drive-through and a <br />gas station convenience store at 301 and 325 N. Tustin Avenue, respectively. The Project would <br />include construction of a 7,417 square-feet (SF) commercial building with drive-through to <br />replace a 4,200 sit-down restaurant and a 2,778 SF gas service station convenience store to <br />replace the existing gas station building and car wash. Please note that the proposed Project will <br />provide internal access between the two parcels. <br /> Study Scope – The following four (4) key study intersections and one (1) key roadway segment <br />were selected for detailed peak hour and daily V/C / level of service analyses under Existing <br />Traffic Conditions, Existing Plus Project Traffic Conditions, Year 2019 Cumulative Traffic <br />Conditions and Year 2019 Cumulative plus Project: <br />Key Study Intersections <br />1. Tustin Avenue at Fourth Street (Santa Ana) <br />2. Tustin Avenue at First Street (Tustin) <br />3. SR-55 SB Ramps at Fourth Street (Santa Ana/Caltrans) <br />4. Sr-55 NB Ramps at Fourth Street/Irvine Boulevard (Tustin/Caltrans) <br /> <br />Key roadway segment <br />A. Tustin Avenue, between Fourth Street and First Street (Santa Ana) <br /> Existing Traffic Conditions – Three (3) of the four (4) key study intersections currently operate <br />at an acceptable level of service during the AM and PM peak hours for the Existing traffic <br />conditions. The exception is SR-55 SB Ramps at Fourth Street, which currently operates at <br />unacceptable LOS E during the AM peak hour. <br /> Project Trip Generation – With the application of existing trip credits, the proposed Project is <br />forecast to generate a new of 878 daily trips, a net of 81 (42 inbound, 39 outbound) AM peak <br />hour trips, and a net of 52 (21 inbound, 31 outbound) PM peak hour trips. <br /> Cumulative Projects Traffic Characteristics – Twenty-four (24) cumulative projects were <br />considered as part of the cumulative background setting. The twenty-four (24) cumulative <br />2-122