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LAND USE ELEMENT <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA GENERAL PLAN A-35 <br /> <br />Table A-4 <br />Land Use Plan Build-out Capacities <br /> <br />Land Use Acres <br />Intensity/ <br />Density <br />Standards <br />Effective Buildout1 Theoretical <br />Buildout <br /> <br /> <br /> Residential <br />Low Density Residential LR-7 6,456.9 7 du/ac <br />45,198 du <br />Low Medium Density Residential LMR-11 420.6 11 du/ac 4,627 du <br />Medium Density Residential MR-15 370.1 15 du/ac 5,551du <br /> Subtotal 7,267.6 95,844 du1 55,624 du <br />Mixed Use Non Res. Res. Non-Res. Res. <br />District Center <br /> Other2 DC 309.5 90 du /ac <br />FAR 1.0-2.0 11,955,583 sf 3,017 du 23,764,534 sf 3,017 du <br /> Heritage DC 18.8 FAR 1.7 54,090 sf 1,221 du 54,090 sf 1,221 du <br /> Downtown DC 62.5 FAR 3.0 2,057,824 sf 1,661 du 2,057,824 sf 1,661 du <br /> Metro East DC 98.3 FAR 3.0 3,245,185 sf 5,551 du 3,245,185 sf 5,551 du <br /> Transit Village DC 51.4 FAR 5.0 402,864 sf 2,761 du 402,864 sf 2,761 du <br /> Harbor Corridor DC 125.0 FAR 5.0 1,836,155 sf 2,029 du 1,836,155 sf 2,029 du <br />Urban Neighborhood UN 276.9 FAR 0.5-3.0 876,546 sf 5,016 du 876,546 sf 5,016 du <br /> Subtotal 944.6 20,428,42 sf 21,256 du 32,237,371 sf 21,256 du <br /> Commercial <br />Professional & Admin. Office PAO 612.4 <br />609.6 FAR 0.5-1.0 13,338,072 <br />13,275,999 sf 26,676,144 <br />26,551,998sf <br />General Commercial GC 885.8 <br />888.7 FAR 0.5-1.0 19,291,724 <br />19,354,797sf 38,585,448 <br />38,709,594sf <br />One Broadway Plaza District Ctr3 OBPDC 4.3 FAR 2.9 543,193 sf 543,193 sf <br /> Subtotal 1,502.5 33,173,989 sf 65,804,785 sf <br />Industrial <br />Industrial IND 2,152.8 FAR 0.45 42,199,991 sf 42,199,991 sf <br /> Other <br />Institutional INS 800.6 FAR 0.2-0.5 6,974,740 sf 17,436,850 sf <br />Open Space OS 1,010.9 FAR 0.2 8,806,961 sf 8,806,961 sf <br /> Subtotal 1,811.5 15,781,701 sf 26,243,811 sf <br />FAR=floor area ratio; d.u.=dwelling unit; s.f.=square feet (of floor area). Acreage shown in table does not include roads in right-of-way. <br />1 Effective capacity for non-residential development assumes development possible under the lower range of FAR intensity standards with the exception of the <br />Metro East District Center, Transit Village District Center, Downtown District Center, Heritage District Center, and Urban Neighborhood areas. The Harbor Corridor <br />District Center, Metro East District Center, Transit Village District Center, Downtown District Center, and Urban Neighborhood areas allow a range of intensity for <br />mixture of residential and non-residential development based on the zoning development standards. Residential effective capacity was calculated by adding the <br />21,256 units possible in the District Center and Urban Neighborhood with the existing 74,588 (Census 2000) housing units. <br />2 Land use designation permits both residential and non-residential development. Build-out assumes 90% of land area will be developed as commercial and 10% <br />will be developed as residential; with the exception of Town and Country Manor project intended for continuum of care and housing seniors. <br />3 Land use designation permits high intensity office development with ancillary retail use. <br />This table has been revised to correspond with the GIS Land Use Map illustrated in Exhibit 2. <br /> Notes: This table has been revised to correspond with the GIS Land Use Map illustrated in Exhibit <br />2. <br />FAR - floor area ratio, d.u. -dwelling units, s.f. -square feet (of floor area). Acreage shown in table <br />does not include roads in right-of-way. <br />1 Effective capacity for non-residential development assumes development possible under the <br />lower range of FAR intensity standards with the exception of the Metro East District Center. <br />Residential effective capacity was calculated by adding the 8,783 units possible in the District <br />Center with the existing 74,588 (Census 2000) housing units. <br />2 The Metro East District Center allows a range of intensity for mixture of residential and <br />commercial development based on the Metro East Mixed Use Overlay Zone development <br />standards. <br />2-32