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(2) Receives a wiitten or verbal dernand or <br />ciairn for darnages becaa..use of the "bodily <br />in�a..ury" or "property darnage"; or <br />(3) Becomes aware by any other means that <br />"bodily inury" or "propebrty damage" has <br />occurned or has begun to occur. <br />d.. Damages because of "bodily injLAY" include <br />damages claimed by any person m <br />mganization for cam, loss of services or <br />death resulting at any time from the "bodily <br />injUliy". <br />e. Incidental Medical Malpractice <br />(1) "Bodily injury" arising Out of the <br />rendering of or failure to render <br />professional health care services as a <br />physician, dentist, nurse, emergency <br />medical technician or paramedic shall <br />be deemed to be caused by an <br />"'occurrence", but only if: <br />(a) The physician, dentist, nurse, <br />ernergency rnebdical techmcian or <br />pararnebdic is ebirnployied by you to <br />provide such services, and <br />(b) YOU are not engaged in the <br />business Or OCCUlpation of providing <br />SUch services. <br />(2) For the purpose of deters -reining the <br />limits of insurance for incidental medical <br />rnalpractice, any act or omission <br />together with all related acts or <br />omissions in the furnishing of these <br />sen/ices to any one person will be <br />considered one "occurrence". <br />Insuring Agreement <br />a. We will pay medical expenses as desciiibed <br />below for "bodily injUlly" caused by an <br />accident-. <br />(1) On promises YOU own w mint, <br />(2) On ways next to priernisies you own or <br />rent, or <br />(3) Because of youoperations; <br />provided that: <br />(1) The accident takes place in the <br />""coverage territory" and during the <br />policy period-, <br />(2) The expenses are incurred and reported <br />to us within three years of the date of <br />the accident" and <br />b. We will make these payments regardless of <br />fault. These payments will not exceed the <br />applicable limit of insurance, We will pay <br />reasonable expenses fair� <br />(1) First aid adirninistieried at the time of an <br />accident, <br />(2) Necessary medical, Surgical, x-ray and <br />dental services, including prosthetic <br />devices-, and <br />(3) Necessary arnba..iiance, hospital, <br />professional nu. sing and funeral <br />services. <br />3. COVERAGE EXTENSION - <br />SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS <br />(3) The injumd per son submits to <br />exarnination, at our expemseb, by <br />physicians of our choiceb as often as we <br />reasonably rec. uire, <br />Page 2 of 24 tl�w&114111 _5 I %) 11' Tf� <br />a. We will pay, with respect to any claim or <br />"suit" we investigate or settle, or any "suit" <br />against an insured we defend-, <br />(1) All expenses we incur. <br />(2) 1Jp to $1,000 for the cost of bail bonds <br />required becai..ise of accidents or traffic <br />law violations arising out of the use of <br />any vehicle to which ffi..isiness I iabilliity <br />Coverage for. "bodily injuy" applies. We <br />do not have to furnish these bonds. <br />(3) The cost of appeal bonds or bonds to <br />release attachments, but only for, bond <br />amounts within the applicable limit of <br />inSLA-ance. We do not have to furnish <br />these bonds. <br />(4) All reasonabie expenses inc�..urred by the <br />ins0...Bred at w..Br req..Best to assist 0...Bs in the <br />investigation or defense of the ciarn or <br />11 sa..iit", inck.iding ach..uai loss of earnings <br />up to $500 a day becaa..use of tirne off <br />frorn work. <br />(5) All costs taxed against the inSLAed in <br />the "SUit". <br />(6) [:::' l ej u dg ment interest aww&.,�d against <br />thie insuned on that pwt of thie <br />we pay, if we rnalkie an Offer to pay the <br />applicablie limit of insumnoe, we will not <br />pay any pnejudgrnient interest based on <br />that pedod of tirnie after the offer. <br />(7) All interest on the full amount of any <br />judgment that accrues after entry of the <br />judgment and before we have paid, <br />offered to pay, or deposited in COLAr-t the <br />part of the judgment that is within the <br />applicable limit of insurance. <br />Any amounts paid undeq (1) thmugh (7) <br />above will not neducie the lirnits of insumnoe. <br />SS00080405 <br />