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(ill) "Bodily injury" or "property released as part of the <br />damage" arising out of heat operations being performed <br />smoke or fumes from a by such insured, contractor or <br />"hostile fire-, subcontractor" <br />(t) At or from any premises. site or (|i) "Bodily injury" or "property <br />location which is or was at any damage" sustained within a <br />time used hyorfor any insured or building and caused by the <br />others for the Mand|ing, stonaga, release of gasas, fumes or <br />disposal, processing or treatment vapors from materials brought <br />of waste-, into that building inconnection <br />vvdhopa��onsbain�pa�omnad <br />(c) Which am or were at any time <br />tnansportad, handled, stonad, by you or on your behalf bya <br />contractor treated, disposed of, orpmcassad ' <br />as waste hyorfor: (|i|) "Bodily injury" or "property <br />(i) Any inaured�or damage" arising out of Heak, <br />smoke or fumes from e <br />(fi) Any person nrorganization for "hostile fire", or <br />whom you may be legally <br />responsible; (e) At or from any premises, she or <br />|ocehononvvHichen�insu�doren� <br />(d) At or from any pnamimem, site or contractors or subcontractors <br />location on which any insured or working directly orindirectly onany <br />any contractors or subcontractors insumd's behalf are performing <br />working directly or indirectly on operations if the operations are to <br />any inmunad'm behalf are test for, monitor, dean up, remove, <br />performing operations if the <br />contain, treat, det�� oxifyornena|ioe. <br />"pollutants" are brought on or to orinany way respond to, orassess <br />the premises, site or location in <br />the effects of, ^po||utents^ <br />connection with such operations <br />by such inmunad, contractor or (2) Any |omm, cost or expense arising out <br />subcontractor, Howvever, this ofany.- <br />mubparagraphdoemnotapp|yto: (a) Request, demand, order orstatutory <br />or regulatory requirement that any <br />(�) "Bodily injury" or "property <br />insured or�em���� monitor,damage^ arising out of the <br />escape of fuels, lubricants or dean up, namove, oontain, trea, <br />other operating fluids which are detoxify orneutralize, orinany way <br />needed to perform the normal respond to, orassess the effects of, <br />e|ec\rice|, hydraulic or ''po||utantm''�or <br />mechanical functions (b) Claim or suit by or on behalf ofa <br />necessary for the operation of governmental authority for <br />^ mobile equipment" orits parts, damages because of testing for, <br />if such fuels, lubricants or other mondoring, cleaning up, removing, <br />operating fluids escape from a oontaining, tnasking, detoxifying or <br />vaMida pad designed to Mn|d` neutra|izing, or in any way <br />store or momiva them. This responding to, or assessing the <br />exception does not apply |fthe effects of, ^poUutanta^ <br />"bodi|y injury" or ''pmpahy Hovvever, this paragraph does not <br />damaga" arises out of the apply to liability for damages because <br />intentional discharga, dispersal of"property damage" that the insured <br />or na|aasa of the fuels, would have in the absence of such <br />lubricants or other operating request demand, order orstatutory or <br />fluids, or |f such fuels, ' regulatory requirement, or such claim <br />lubricants or other operating or ''suit' by or on behalf of e <br />fluids are brought on or to the governmental authority. <br />pnamisas, site or location with <br />the intent that they be <br />discharged, dispersed or <br />Form SSOOO8O4O5 — Page 5of24 <br />