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contract, written agreement or because of a <br />permit issued by a state or political <br />aubdiviaion, that such person or organization <br />be added as an additional insured on your <br />policy, provided the injury or damage occurs <br />subsequent to the execution of the contract or <br />agreement, orthe issuance ofthe permit. <br />A person or organization is an additional <br />insured under this provision only for that <br />period of time required by the contract, <br />agreement orpermit, <br />However, nosuch person ororganization iaan <br />additional insured under this provision if such <br />person or organization is included as an <br />additional insured by an endorsement issued <br />by us and made a pad of this Coverage Part, <br />including all persons or organizations added <br />as additional insureds under the specific <br />additional insured coverage grants in Section <br />F.—Optional Additional Insured Coverages. <br />a. Vendors <br />Any penaon(a)ororganization(s) (referred to <br />below as wandor), but only with respect to <br />"bodily injugror"property damagsr arising <br />out of"your products" which are distributed <br />or sold in the regular course ofthe vendors <br />business and only if this Coverage Pad <br />provides coverage for "bodily injuO/' or <br />property damage" included within the <br />^products -completed operations hazand" <br />(1) The insurance afforded to the vendor <br />is subject to the following additional <br />This insurance does not apply to: <br />(a) "Bodily injury" or "property <br />damage" for which the vendor is <br />obligated to pay damages by <br />reason of the assumption of <br />liability in a contract or agreement. <br />This exclusion does not apply to <br />liability for damages that the <br />vendor would have in the absence <br />ofthe contract oragreement <br />(b) Any express warranty <br />unauthorized byyou� <br />(c) Any physical or chemical change <br />in the product made intentionally <br />bythe wandor� <br />(d) Repeckaging, except when <br />unpacked solely for the purpose of <br />inapeudon, demonatradon, teadng, <br />or the substitution of parts under <br />instructions from the manutautunsr, <br />and then repackaged in the <br />original container; <br />(e) Any failure to make such <br />inspections, adjusbnents, tests or <br />servicing as the vendor has <br />agreed to make or normally <br />under -takes to make in the usual <br />course ofbusiness, in connection <br />with the distribution or sale of the <br />products; <br />(f) OemnnutruUnn, ina1a|lahon, <br />servicing or repair openationa, <br />except such operations performed <br />at the vendor's premises in <br />connection with the am|e of the <br />product-, <br />(g) Products which, after distribution <br />or sale by you, have been labeled <br />or relabeled or used as a <br />container, part or ingredient of any <br />other thing or substance by or for <br />the vendor; or <br />(h) "Bodily injury^ or "property <br />damage" arising out of the sole <br />negligence of the vendor for its <br />own acts oromiaaiona orthose of <br />its employees or anyone else <br />acting on its behalf, However, this <br />exclusion does not apply to: <br />The exceptions contained in <br />Subparagraphs (d) nr(f); or <br />(U) Such inapecdona, adjuaUneNs, <br />tests orservicing mathe vendor <br />has agreed to make or normally <br />undertakes to make in the usual <br />course of buaineaa, in <br />connection with the distribution <br />or sale of the products. <br />(2) This insurance does not apply to any <br />insured person or organization from <br />whom you have acquired such products, <br />or any ingnsdient, part or container, <br />entering into, accompanying or <br />containing such products <br />b. Lessors OfEquipment <br />(1) Any person or organization from <br />whom you lease equipment but only <br />with respect to their liability for "bodily <br />injury". ^property damage" or <br />^peraona) and advertising injury" <br />oauaed, in whole or in part, by your <br />main1enanne, operation or use of <br />equipment leased to you by such <br />person ororganization. <br />Page 12cf 24 orm SSUUUDU4US <br />��n I X1 ��N!� V""0 ~ <br />