Laserfiche WebLink
c. The wrongful eviction from, wrongful entry <br />into, or invasion of the right of private <br />occupancy of a room, dwelling or <br />premises that the person 000upiea, <br />committed by or on behalf of its owner, <br />landlord orlessor; <br />d. Ore|, written or e|eoinznio publication of <br />material that slanders or libels e person or <br />organization or disparages e person's or <br />orgenizehon'sgoods. products orservices; <br />e. One|, m/hKen or electronic publication of <br />meiehe| that violates e person's right of <br />privacy-, <br />f. Copying, in your ^adverhsemeMt", a <br />person's or organizadon's "advertising <br />idea^orstyle of^adveMUsement"; <br />g. Infringement ofcopyright, s|ogan, or title of <br />any literary or aMUsdn vvorh, in your <br />^adveMUsement^; or <br />h. Discrimination or humiliation that results in <br />injury to the feelings or reputation of e <br />natural person. <br />10. "Pollutants" means any solid, ||qu|d, gaseous or <br />thermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke, <br />vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals and <br />waste. Waste includes materials to be recycled, <br />reconditioned orreclaimed. <br />19,"Prod ucts-nompleAadoperations hazard"; <br />a. Includes all "bodily injury" and "property <br />damage" occurring away from premises <br />you own or rent and arising out of ~your <br />produot" or "your work" except <br />(1) Products that are adU in your physical <br />possession-, or <br />(2) Work that has not yet been completed <br />or abandoned. However. "your work" <br />will be deemed to be completed at the <br />earliest of the following times: <br />(a) When all of the work called for in <br />your contract has been completed. <br />(b) When all of the work to be done at <br />the job site has been completed if <br />your contract oaUa for work at <br />more than one job site. <br />(c) When that part ofthe work done at <br />a job site has been put to its <br />intended use by any person or <br />organization other than another <br />contractor or subcontractor <br />working on the same project. <br />Work that may need service, maintenance, <br />correcUon, repair or replacement, but <br />which is otherwise comp|ete, will be <br />treated as completed. <br />The "bodily injury" or ''property damage" <br />must occur away from premises you own <br />or rent, unless your business includes the <br />aeUing, handling or distribution of ''your <br />product" for consumption on premises you <br />own or rent. <br />b. Does not include "bodily injury" or <br />^ property damage" arising out of: <br />(1) The transportation of property, unless <br />the injury or damage arises out of <br />condition in or on a vehicle not owned <br />or operated by you, and that condition <br />was created by the "loading or <br />un|oading^ of that vehicle by any <br />insured-, or <br />(2) The existence of hzos, uninshs||ed <br />equipment or abandoned or unused <br />materials. <br />20. "Property damage" means: <br />a, Physical injury to tangible property, <br />including all resulting |oaa of use of that <br />property. All such |oaa of use shall be <br />deemed to occur at the time of the <br />physical injury that caused it-, or <br />b. Loss of use of tangible property that is not <br />physically injured. All such |oaa of use <br />shall be deemed to occur at the time of <br />^000urrenoe^ that caused it. <br />As used in this definition, "electronic data" is <br />not tangible property. <br />211� "Suit" means a civil proceeding in which <br />damages because of "bodily injury", "property <br />damage" or "personal and advertising injury" <br />to vvh|oh this insurance applies are alleged. <br />"Suit" includes: <br />a. An arbitration proceeding in which such <br />damages are claimed and to vvh|oh the <br />insured must submit or does submit with <br />our oonaantor <br />lb� Any other alternative dispute resolution <br />proceeding in which such damages are <br />claimed and to which the insured submits <br />with our consent. <br />22. -Temporary worker" means a person who is <br />furnished hoyou tosubstitute fora permanent <br />^emp|oyee^ on leave or to meet seasonal or <br />short-term workload conditions. <br />23. "Volunteer worker" means a person who: <br />a. |anot your "employee^; <br />Form SSUUUOU4U6 Page 23of 24 <br />���� Q L 1� <br />