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app downloads. <br />Responsibilities: <br />WBC shall: <br />a. Create and produce three graphic designs and secure a minimum of rnedia placements <br />as described above <br />Santa Ana shall: <br />a. Review and approve the three graphics and the secured media opportunities <br />Completion Criteria: <br />This task is considered complete upon the completion of the deliverables, the pre -purchase of <br />negotiated advertising and/or sponsored space and when the Santa Ana Project Manager <br />signs the task completion letter. Planned completion is December 2018. <br />TASK 3-C: S4 OUTDOOR OR CINEMA MEDIA PROGRAM (SPRING 20191 <br />Objective: <br />Leverage the fall 2018 program OR explore and implement a selective theater -based PSA <br />program (using still or :30 video PSAs) that promotes the campaign message and <br />emphasizes/encourages active mobile app downloads. <br />Task Description: <br />Leverage existing graphics from fall 2018 OR develop new creative for theater use approved <br />by the Project Manager with support from the S4 Steering Committee. Then either secure a <br />minimum of 50 placements (ex. on bus sides, bus interiors, in bus shelters, etc.) generating a <br />minimum of three million measured impressions OR secure selected placements within OC- <br />based theaters to generate a minimum of one million highly targeted impressions. <br />Responsibilities: <br />WBC shall: <br />a. Create and produce three graphic designs and secure a minimum of 50 media <br />placements OR produce a slide/:30 PSA as described above <br />6T.n, F7G1��iF.!II <br />a. Review and approve the three graphics and the secured media opportunities <br />Completion Criteria: <br />This task is considered complete upon the completion of the deliverables; the pre -purchase of <br />negotiated advertising and/or sponsored space and when the Santa Ana Project Manager <br />signs the task completion letter. Planned completion is April 2019. <br />TASK 3-D: _DIGITAL/ONLINE MEDIA PROGRAM dSPRING 20I <br />Objective: <br />Update and expand a mobile/digital awareness program and app download support initiative <br />using geo-targeted digital and/or online media leveraging the animal, mobile app promo and/or <br />other approved graphics. <br />