Laserfiche WebLink
Maintain the campaign's mobile app through daily and weekly management, maintenance and <br />measurement. <br />Responsibilities: <br />WBC shall: <br />a. Update content as appropriate <br />b. Manage the hosting of the mobile app platform <br />c. Develop and/or update and produce one promotional flyer and one "business card" for <br />community distribution in hard copy and digitally <br />Santa Ana shall: <br />a. Approve app updates, management activities, and promotional support materials <br />Completion Criteria: <br />The task is considered complete upon the completion of deliverables and when the Santa Ana <br />Project Manager signs the task completion letter in October 2018. <br />TASK 4-13: S4 MOBILE APP DEVELOPMENT & PROMOTION (SPRING 2019 <br />Objective: <br />Update, manage, maintain and track the campaign's mobile app content, platform and <br />performance 24/7 in accordance with approved processes and protocols. In addition, support <br />promotional efforts that encourage and drive downloads. <br />Task Description: <br />Maintain the campaign's mobile app through daily and weekly management, maintenance and <br />measurement. <br />Responsibilities: <br />WBC shall: <br />a. Update content as appropriate <br />b. Manage the hosting of the mobile app platform <br />Santa Ana shall: <br />a. Approve app updates, management activities, and promotional support materials <br />Completion Criteria: <br />The task is considered complete upon the completion of deliverables and when the Santa Ana <br />Project Manager signs the task completion letter in April 2019. <br />TASK 5: S4 SOCIAL MEDIA AND MICROSITE MANAGEMENT & MAINTENANCE <br />Objective: <br />Update, manage and maintain the campaign social media channels and the <br />microsite technical and content platforms 24/7 during the contract term. Both platforms will <br />continue to support the campaign's public awareness and engagement activities. <br />Task Description: <br />11 <br />