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11IT"241155 YIN*14111 T814�rfFAl x:7F_W <br />Objective: <br />Develop, produce and update campaign resource materials for use in all programming as <br />appropriate. <br />Task Description: <br />Manage the design, drafting, production and distribution of resource materials in support of the <br />S4 campaign initiatives. The resource materials that will be produced are: <br />a. S4 Ribbon Magnets: 1,000 total quantity. <br />b. S4 Additional Promotional Item (e.g. branded wristbands, campaign stickers): 1,000 <br />total quantity. <br />Responsibilities: <br />WBC shall: <br />a. Develop all materials and seek approvals from the Steering Committee. <br />b. Produce materials in accordance with Steering Committee approvals. <br />Santa Ana shall: <br />a. Approve the resource material elements. <br />Completion Criteria: <br />This task is considered complete upon delivery of the collateral materials and when the Santa <br />Ana Project Manager signs the task completion letter. Completion is planned to occur by <br />February 2019. <br />TASK 7: S4 CITIZENS & COMMUNITY OUTREACH <br />Objective: <br />Continue to conduct community and citizens' outreach to secure the campaign's presence at <br />events, via the giant red backpack display and/or through any additional Project Manager - <br />approved promotional element at venues to build on the existing awareness of the campaign <br />Task Description: <br />See sub -tasks for specifics. <br />Responsibilities: <br />See sub -tasks for specifics <br />Completion Criteria: <br />This task is considered complete when all budgeted sub -tasks have been completed in their <br />respective entirety. <br />TASK 7-A: S4 CITIZENS & COMMUNITY OUTREACH (SEP-OCT 2018) <br />Objective: <br />16 <br />