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a. Approve plan and promotional elements <br />Completion Criteria: <br />This task is considered complete upon the completion of the calendared event outreach and <br />when the Santa Ana Project Manager signs the task completion letter. Formal calendaring of <br />upcoming events will incur upfront logistics and event fees. Completion is planned for March <br />2018. <br />TASK 7-11): S4 CITIZENS & COMMUNITY OUTREACH (APR-JUN 2019) <br />Objective: <br />Continue to conduct community and citizens' outreach to secure the campaign's presence at <br />events and or display of the giant red backpack or another promotional element at venues <br />through the development and extension of promotional partners to build on the existing <br />awareness of the campaign. <br />Task Description: <br />Secure a minimum of 5 total venues/events for displays, with a minimum of two displaying the <br />red backpack display. <br />Activities include: <br />a. Master Community & Citizen Events Calendar— create and manage a master annual <br />calendar for all display installation and materials distribution. This includes research and <br />venue/event solicitation for the campaign. <br />b. Display Installation and Management — handle all display logistics for at least two <br />backpack installations. <br />c. Materials Distribution & Management — handle all materials distribution and <br />management for a minimum of 3 total sites/facilities. <br />Responsibilities: <br />WBC shall: <br />a. Develop the outreach and seek plan approval from the ROC Steering Committee. <br />b. Execute the outreach in accordance with the approved plan. <br />Santa Ana shall: <br />a. Approve plan and promotional elements <br />Completion Criteria: <br />This task is considered complete upon the completion of the calendared event outreach and <br />when the Santa Ana Project Manager signs the task completion letter. Formal calendaring of <br />upcoming events will incur upfront logistics and event fees. Completion is planned for June <br />2019. <br />19 <br />