<br />EXHIBIT 3
<br />Additional Terms
<br />Additional terms for productslmodulas licensed In 6xhlblt 1 (Replacement Schedule A: Fee Sohedule):
<br />1. pHA Property Management and Accounting Includes: lWall, AM Base, Conductor, Inspections, Maintenance, Electronic
<br />Banking, ACH for Al Fixed Assets & Inventory Control, Construction/Grant Management, WIPS
<br />2. RENTCaf6 PHA Applicant Portal, RENTC06 PHA Online Applications Portal, and RENTC06 ANA Landlord Portal
<br />terms: Includes access to Yardi standard workflows and library of existing forms. Additional workflows or custom forms may
<br />be available at an addlllonal fee upon Client's request. With respect to any content or trademarks provided by Client for use
<br />In connection with Client's Use of Yardl RENTCa* PHA Applicant Portal, RENTCaf6 PHA Onllne Applications Portal, and
<br />RENTCafQ PHA Landlord Portal, Client represents that Cliant has All necessary right, title, and/or Interest In and to any such
<br />content or trademarks, and agrees to defend, lndemnlfy and hold Yardi harmless from and against any claims, damages or
<br />lasses resdflnp from a beach of the foregoing warronly.
<br />3. Walk -In Rent Collection/Rant Payment Services (WIPS") terms:
<br />a. Client acknowledges and agrees to pay all fees and other charges, Including any stalsmenL service, ohargeback,
<br />application, rejection, return, reversal, eefund, debit or other fee Imposed by a processing Institution,
<br />correspondent bank, merchant bank or other Institution In connection with the authorization, processing and
<br />settlement of Client's Trensaalions.
<br />b. Client acknowledges and agrees that It must do one of the following: (1) utilize a banking instllutton that is
<br />supported by Yard[, (1I) secure the agreement of Cllent's banking Institution to work with Yardi Ir Interfacing V"lIPS
<br />with Client's banking institution (in which case reasonable time will be necessary to complete the Interface in light
<br />of the Interface requirements); or (Ili) sign-up for, and utilize, Proflt5lars' banidng Institution processing services.
<br />c. Client acknowledges and understands that CheckFreaPay Is a thlyd party vendor and licensed money trarsmltter
<br />and Is solely responsible for Its network of agents (the "Agents"). Client further acknowledges and understands
<br />that among various other unrelated business transactions: (I) Agents accept cash -only rent payments from WIPS
<br />tenants In exchange for a nominal convenience fee (fear purposes of this Addendum, each cash payment remitted
<br />by a tenant through WIPS, less the Agent's convenience fee, Is referred to as a "Payment'); and 01) Yardl does
<br />not collect rent dfractiy from any teranl through WIPS and has no control over the Agents or CheckFraePay's
<br />Agent network.
<br />d. Client acknowledges and understands that the tenant, not the Agent, determines how much rant to pay using
<br />WIPS, Because the Agent will accept whatever cash sum the tenant desires to pay and will charge a convenience
<br />fee each lime a payment Is made, the Paymenl(s) made by a tenant to the Agent may be less than, equal to, or
<br />greater than the total rent due. Acoordincdly, Client acknowledges and understands that the rent payment
<br />subsequently reflected In Voyager and ultimately credited -to Client's account may be an under- or over -payment
<br />of the tenant's rent. Except to the extent ouch under- or over-paymant is caused solely by Yardi's negligence or
<br />willful misconduct, Client expressly ecknowfedges and agrees that the payment of rent is a matter between Client
<br />and tenant and Client agrees to defend, fndamnlfy and hold Yardl harmless from and against any third party
<br />(Including tenant) claims relating to or arising out of tfre use of WIPS.
<br />a. Typically, Voyager wili reflect each Payment within.1 business day and each Payment will be credited to Client's
<br />deslgnated account wlthln 3 business days, Because delays may arise from time to time, these are targets and
<br />not guarantees; however, so long as Client has provided all necessary and correct payment Processing
<br />Information to enable Yardl to properly facllitato the routing of Payments from the Agent to the Client, Yardl has
<br />the appropriate guarantees from CheckFraePay that CheckFreePay will promptly and ecouratety deliver to Cllerl
<br />all Payments made using 1MIP8,
<br />f. Gflent expressly acknowledges and agrees to the following Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) obligations:
<br />1. Client shall net use WIPS, or allow WIPS to be used, for any purpose other than the payment of rent end
<br />related charges by tenants who physically occupy the dwelling for which the rant payment or related
<br />charges apply.
<br />ii. C#lent shall at all times comply v"lth all OFAC requirements and fulfill alt OPAL responsibifllfes that apply
<br />to Cllont concerning the administration and enforcement of economic and trade sanctions against targeted
<br />foreign slates, organizations, and lndlvtduals, Induding providing any Informallon to Yardl that Is
<br />reasonably necessary for Yard[ to fulfill Its obligations under OFAC, If any.
<br />til. If at any time Client discovers or reasonably believes a tenant, employee or organization on the Specially
<br />Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List, published from time to time by OFAC (the "OFAC Llst"I,
<br />Is using WIPS for any reason, Cllont shall Immediately notify Yardl and cooperate fully with any
<br />subsequent investigation or request for Irrformatlon that may be required In connection with complying
<br />with OFAC requirements and all other appl4able laws and regulatlons.
<br />iv, Except to the extent an OFAC violation arises solely as a result of Yardi's gross negligence or willful
<br />misconduct, Client agrees to defend. Indemnify and hold Yardi and Its parent, subsidiaries, directors,
<br />offlcers, agents, representatives, and employeas harmless from all claims, losses, penalties and other
<br />liabilities rotating 10 or arising out of any acts or omissions by Client and its parent, subsidlaries, directors,
<br />offlcers, agents, representatives, landrts or employees that give rise to an OFAC violation.
<br />g. Terms Applicable if Client Uses Yardi's Master Merchant Account with WIPS Transactions
<br />If Cf[ent utilizes Yardl's Master Merchant Account with ProfltSlars for WIPS Transactions, Client acknowledges
<br />and agrees that: ()) Client may only process tenant rent payment WIPS Transactions through Yardi's Master
<br />Merchant Account with Proflt9tars, and (11) Client agrees that Yardi may satisfy reimbursement for any fees and
<br />other charges, Including any statement, service, chargeback, application, rejection, return, reversal, refund, debit
<br />Yardi vCllant
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<br />Confidential
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