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EXHIBIT 2 <br />SPR No. 2017-09/DBA No. 2017-02 <br />May 21, 2018 <br />Page 3 <br />required tentative parcel map, which will clarify if the proposed subdivision will be for fee -simple <br />lots or for condominium purposes. The tentative parcel map application will require review and <br />action by the City's Zoning Administrator. <br />Table 2: Conformance to Development Standards <br />Standard <br />Re uired'b 'the MEMU <br />Provided <br />Stories <br />Minimum 3, no maximum <br />6 <br />Minimum Site Area <br />1 acre <br />6.89 acres <br />Permitted Frontage <br />Forecourt, shopfront, gallery, or <br />Shopfront, with plaza on First Street <br />arcade <br />as ermitted b MEMU <br />Publicly Accessible Open Space <br />15 percent of total lot area <br />Less than 2 percent — Requires <br />Concession (1 of 3), Cal. Gov't <br />Code Sec. 65915 d 1 <br />Private/Common Open Space <br />100 square feet per unit <br />104 square feet per unit <br />Building Setbacks <br />0-20 feet (front), 0-10 feet (side), 100 <br />6 (front), 640 (side), 45 (rear) — <br />feet (rear) <br />Requires Concession (2 of 3), Cal. <br />Gov't Code Sec. 65915 1 <br />Residential Parking <br />2 spaces per unit overall — every unit <br />1.03 spaces per unit — Requires <br />must be allocated at least 1 space <br />Concession (3 of 3), Cal. Gov't <br />Code Sec. 65915 d 1 <br />Courtyard height-to-wtdth ratios <br />2 to 1 (enclosed on four sides), 3 to <br />Complies; various ratios in excess of <br />1 (open on one or more sides <br />2 to 1 and 3 to 1 provided <br />Driveway width <br />24 feet maximum <br />38-46 feet — Requires Waiver, Cal. <br />Gov't Code Sec. 65915 e 1 <br />Building Massing <br />A variety of massing, volume, and <br />Complies; the building features a <br />step -backs are required to increase <br />step -back along First Street and <br />building articulation <br />breaks in volume to reduce massing <br />Table 3: Density Bonus Calculation <br />Densi buBonus' d , , ;".' <br />:Allowed for Rro ect; ,.' <br />Provided! , :: `'i <br />Base Density <br />620 units (6.89 acres x 90 units/acre <br />552 units <br />base density used as a standard for <br />developments in areas designated DC <br />by the General Plan Land Use <br />element <br />35-Percent State Density Bonus <br />+217 units 620 x 0.35 <br />0 <br />35-Percent Bonus Provided by the <br />+217 units (620 x 0.35) <br />0 <br />Housing Opportunity Ordinance <br />Total Units <br />1054 units maximum <br />552 units proposed <br />Although the project is proposing a total number of units (552) that is below the maximum City - <br />prescribed density for the project site based on its acreage, the developer is able to seek up to <br />three density bonus concessions and a waiver because it is a 100-percent affordable project. The <br />City's Housing Opportunity Ordinance (HOO) allows developers to request up to two concessions to <br />facilitate construction of affordable housing. However, none of the concessions listed in the HOO <br />are being requested by the applicant. Instead, the three requested concessions and the waiver are <br />permitted by Section 65915 et al. of the California Government Code (Density Bonuses and Other <br />Incentives). Pursuant to California Government Code sections 65915 (d)(1) and 65915 (e)(1), a <br />local jurisdiction is limited in its ability to deny the requested concessions and waiver and is <br />Z I • <br />