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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING <br />1. LEGAL AUTHORITY <br />The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act ("WIOA") sec. 121(c)(1) requires that each Local <br />Workforce Development Area develop and enter into a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") <br />with each America's Job Center of California ("AJCC") Partner, consistent with WIOA Sec. <br />121(c)(2). This requirement is further described in the WIOA; Joint Rule for Unified and <br />Combined State Plans, Performance Accountability, and the AJCC System Joint Provisions: Final <br />Rule at 20 CFR 678,500, 34 CFR 361.500, and 34 CFR 463.500, and in Federal guidance. <br />Additionally, the sharing and allocation of infrastructure costs among AJCC Partners is governed <br />by WIOA sec. 121(h), its implementing regulations, and the Federal Cost Principles contained in <br />the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal <br />Awards (Uniform Guidance) at 2 CFR part 200. <br />2. PARTIES <br />The parties to this MOU are the City Council of the City of Santa Ana, the Santa Ana Workforce <br />Development Board ("SAWDB"), and the County of Orange Social Services Agency ("SSA"), a <br />collocated one -stop AJCC Partner located at the Santa Ana WORK Center, 801 W. Civic Center <br />Drive, Suite 200, Santa Ana, CA 92701. <br />3. PURPOSE <br />The purpose of the MOU is consistent with the provisions of WIOA sec. 121(c)(1), to establish a <br />cooperative working relationship between the SAWDB and SSA, the collocated AJCC Partner, <br />and to define their respective roles and responsibilities concerning the operation of the AJCC as it <br />relates to shared services and customers. It serves to establish the framework for providing services <br />to employers, employees, job seekers and others needing workforce services. It also serves to <br />establish a framework to support the established service delivery through the sharing of resources <br />and costs. <br />4. DURATION <br />This MOU shall become effective as of the date of full execution of the MOU by all Parties <br />("Effective Date") and shall be effective for three (3) years from the Effective Date. This MOU <br />shall supersede and cancel the existing Phase I MOU between SSA, Orange County Development <br />Board ("OCDB"), and SAWDB, executed June 28, 2016, and Phase II MOU between SSA, <br />OCDB, and SAWDB, executed August 22, 2017. OCDB has no objection to this MOU <br />superseding and cancelling the Phase I and Phase II MOD's (see Attachment 6). <br />This MOU will be reviewed not less than once every three years to ensure appropriate funding and <br />delivery of services and to identify any substantial changes that require modification of this MOU. <br />This MOU will remain in effect until the termination date, unless one of the conditions in section <br />32 occurs. <br />