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2.1.1 Landlord hereby leases the Premises to Tenant, and Tenant hereby leases the Premises from Landlord, upon all of die <br />trams, covenants and conditions contained in this Lease. Tenant acknowledges that Landlord has not made oily representation or warranty with <br />respect to the condition of the Premises, the Building or the Project with respect to the suitability or fitness of any of the some for the conduct of <br />Tenant's Permitted Use, its business or for any other purpose. Landlord does not represent and Tenant does not rely upon any specific type or <br />number of tenants occupying any space in tie Building and/or the Project during the Term of this Lease. Acceptance of possession of the Premises <br />by Tenant shall be conclusive evidence as against Tenant that the Premises are then in tenantable and good condition. <br />2.11 Landlord and Tenant hereby agree that Tile number of RSF (also referred to as tie "Rentable Area") contained: (a) <br />within the Building Is as set forth in Item 25 of tie Basic Lease Provisions and (b) within the Premises is as set Earth in Item 2.5 of the Basic Lease <br />Provisions. <br />2.1.3 Subject to Landlord's access control programs and the Rules and Regulations, Tenant and its employees and invitees <br />shall be entitled to access the Premises seven (7) days per week, twenty-four (24) hours per day. <br />2.1.4 Subject to all of the tennis and conditions contained in this Lease and provided that Tenant performs all of Its <br />obligations hereunder, Tenant shall have and peaceably enjoy the Premises during the Term of this Lease from and against all Persona holding an <br />Interest in the Project from and through Landlord, <br />2.2 No Relocation of Premises:Rlghtorn-stoffer. <br />2.2.1 No Relocation. Landlord shall have no right to relocate any portion orthe Premises located on the second (2nd) floor <br />of the Building. Any relocation rights with respect to any portions of the Premises located on any other floor of tie Building will be specifically <br />negotiated in connection with Tenant's lease of any such space. <br />2.2.2 Right or First offer. Tenant shall have a one-time Right of First offer (defined below) with respect to the First Right <br />Space (defined below) subject to land in accordance with the terms and conditions of$chedule "1-2" of -.•h(bit"I" attached hereto. <br />2.3 Common Areas: Parking. <br />2.3.1 Common Areas. In connection with its lease of tie Premises, Tenant shall have the non-exclusive right to use the <br />Common Areas together with other Persons. The Common Areas shall be subject to the exclusive management and control of Landlard, and Tenant <br />shall comply with all Rules and Regulations pertaining to use of the Common Areas. Landlord shall have the right from time to time to designate, <br />relocate and limit the use of particular areas or portions of the Common Areas. Landlord shall also have the right to close all or any portion orthe <br />Common Areas as may, in the sole discretion of Landlord, be necessary to prevent a dedication thereof or the accrual crony rights in any Person. <br />2.3.2 Rental wall Use orParklar Passes- Visitor Parking. <br />(a) Commencing on the Commencement Date mid continuing through tie Term, Tenant shall rent from Landlord <br />and Landlord shall provide a number of Unreserved Parking Passes equal to die Parking Number specified in Item g of the Basic Lease Provisions. <br />Parking Fees shall be payable with respect to Parking Passes rented by Tenant at the rates provided in Section 4.3.1 below (which shall be subject to <br />abatement in accordance with Section 4.3.2 below), The Parking Passes are with respect to, subject to the provisions of this Lease, use of the Parking <br />Facilities. The Parking Passes provided to Tenant pursuant to this Section 2.3.2 arc provided to Tenant solely for use by officers, directors, and <br />employees or Tenant, its Affiliates, sublessees and assignees, and such passes may not otherwise be transferred, assigned, subleased or otherwise <br />alienated by Tenant to any other type of transferee without Landlord's prior approval. <br />(b) The specific locations within the Parking Facilities in which die Unreserved Parking Passes may be used shall <br />be specified by and may, from time to time, be relocated by landlord in its sole discretion, hi addition, it is expressly understood and agreed that <br />Landlord shall have the right to implement, administer and enforce a parking management program, with respect to tie Parking Facilities generally, <br />with respect to use crone or more types or Parking Passes in particular, and/or with respect to the use of the Parking Passes rented by one or more <br />specitic tenant or tenants (including Tenant), with parking management plan may include, without limitation, oily or more orthe following measure <br />or features: oversell or Parking Pssses; expansion orthe Parking Facilities to include additional parking lots or structures within a reasonable distance <br />from the Building; reservation of specific portions of (lie Parking Facilities for parking by one or more specifac Building tenants (including Tenant) <br />and/or for one or more Building tenants' business visitors; implementation of valet or assisted parking programs or measures; creation and allocation <br />of tandem parking spaces to specific Building tenants; designation of visitor parking rates: and allocation of validation pdvilegcs to one or more <br />Building tenants. h is specifically understood and agreed that if landlord implemen(s one or morn such measures or features that are: (i) generally <br />applicable to the Poking Facilities, the costs incurred to Implement, administer and enforce such measures shall be included in operating Costs or <br />(ii) that are specific to Tenant, the costs incurred to implement, administer and enforce such measures shall be reimbursed by Tenant, <br />(c) Visitor Parldns. <br />(i) Tenant's business visitors may park in the Parking Facilities- or in die applicable portions thereof <br />designated by Landlord, rat a first come, first served basis, upon paymem of the prevailing fee for parking charged to visitors to the Project, Tenmu <br />shall have the right to purchase fi•om Landlord, at Landlord's then prevailing rate, Project Parking Validations (defined below), to be used only by <br />Tenant's Business Customers (defined below) for parking in the Parking Facilities without charge. —Project Parking Validations" means <br />validations. in such form as Landlord, in its sole but good faith discretion, shall oBcr from time to time. permitting persons using such validations to <br />park in the Parking Facilities for specified periods or time without charge (i.e., a 30-minute validation would perniit parking without charge in the <br />Parking Facilities tar a period up to 30 minutes). "Tenant's Business Custarners" means Persons that visit the Premises I'nr the specific purpose of <br />conducting business at the Premises (and fir the avoidance orduubt, shall oo( include any employees uf'fenan or Oily or its'rmnsiorees who have <br />ollices (on un exclusive or shared basis) at the Premises). <br />dill WCa•ic Centel' Dr —Cary' afSrwaanu Gene .5. <br />