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in writing to Tenant. Any amount of Rent that is payable on a monthly basis and that Is payable respect to a partial month, shall be prorated based on <br />the number of days in such month. No payment by Tenant or receipt or acceptance by Landlord of a lesser amount than the correct Rent due <br />hereunder shall be deemed to be other than a payment on account of die earliest installment of Rent then due; nor shall any endorsement or statement <br />on any check or any letter accompanying any check or payment as Rent be deemed to effect or evidence an accord and satisfaction; and Landlord <br />may accept such check or payment without prejudice to Landlord's right to recover the balance or pursue any other remedy in this Lease or at law or <br />in equity provided. <br />4,4.2 I.,ATE PAYMENTS. TENANT ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE LATE PAYMENT OF RENT WILL <br />CAUSE LANDLORD TO INCUR ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS AND OTHER DAMAGES, THE EXACT AMOUNT OF WHICH <br />WOULD BE IMPRACTICABLE OR EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO ASCERTAIN. LANDLORD AND TENANT AGREE THAT <br />IF LANDLORD A RENT DELINQUENCY SHALL OCCUR, TENANT SHALL PAY TO LANDLORD, AS ADDITIONAL RENT: <br />(A) A LATE CHARGE EQUAL TO FIVE PERCENT (5a/a) OF THE OVERDUE AMOUNT TO COVER SUCH ADDITIONAL <br />ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS, AND (B) INTEREST ON ALL DELINQUENT AMOUNTS AT THE DEFAULT RATE, FROM THE <br />DATE DUE UNTIL THE DATE PAID. <br />ARTICLE 5—TENANT'S TAXES <br />Tenant shall reimburse Landlord upon demand for any and all taxes, impositions or similar fees or charges payable by or imposed or <br />assessed upon Landlord upon or with respect to: (a) any Tenant's Personal Property located in or about the Premises; (b) any Leasehold <br />Improvements made In or to the Premises by or for Tenant (without regard to ownership of such improvements) trend to the extent the original cost, <br />replacement cost or value thereof exceeds die cost of Landlord's then effective "Building Standard" tenant Improvements, as determined in good <br />faith by Landlord; (c) the Rent payable hereunder, including, without limitation, any gross receipts tax, license fee or excise tax levied by any <br />governmental authority; (d) the possession, leasing, operation, management, maintenance, alteration, repair, use or occupancy of any portion of the <br />Premises; or (e) this transaction or any document to which Tenant is a party creating or transferring an interest or an estate in the Premises. <br />ARTICLE 6—IINTENTIONALLY OMITTED] <br />ARTICLE 7-USE OF PREMISES <br />7.1 Tenant's Permitted Use. Tenant shall use the Premises only for Tenant's Permitted Use set forth in 1=1 of the Basic Lease <br />Provisions and shall not use or permit the Premises to be used for any other purpose. Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, obtain and maintain <br />In full force and effect all governmental licenses, approvals and permits required for Tenant's Permitted Use, in no case shall Tenant use or suffer or <br />pemtit the use of any portion of die Premises for any Expressly Restricted Use. <br />7.2 Compliance With Laws and Other Requirements. <br />7.2.1 Subject to Section 7.2.2 below, Landlord shall cause die Common Areas and die Base Building to comply with all <br />Laws, if and when any such action is required by any governmental authority mid/or if and to the extent that any failure of any portion of tie <br />Common Ames or the Base Building to comply with any applicable Laws would: (a) prohibit Tenant from entering into a sublease to any Approved <br />County Entity of Approved State Entity (as such terms are defined below) in accordance with Section 11.1 2 below; (b) unreasonably and materially <br />affect the safety of Tenant's employees or the operation of Tenant's business; or (c) would create a material and significant health hazard for <br />occupants of the Premises. <br />7.2.2 Tenant shall timely take all actions required comply in all respects with (and shall cause each of its employees and <br />occupants to take all actions required comply in all respects with) and cause the Premises to comply with: (a) all Laws, now or in die fidure <br />applicable to the Premises and Tenant's use thereof (including, without limitation, any Lew requiring any form or improvement or alteration to the <br />Building), (b) the Rules and Regulations, and (c) all covenants, conditions and restrictions applicable to the Project. In addition, if any modifications <br />or alterations to any portion or the Common Areas or the Base Building (defined below) are required under any applicable Laws as a result of <br />Tenant's use of [lie Premises or any of Tenant's Leasehold Improvements, then at the election or Landlord: (i) Tenant shall be responsible for <br />performing such modifications or alterations, at its expense or III) Tenant shall, within ten (10) days following Landlord's demand therefor together <br />with reasonable supporting documentation, reimburse Landlord for all of its costs and expenses incurred in connection with Landlord's perfonmanw <br />orsuch modifications or alterations. <br />7.2.3 Tenant shall not use the Premises, or permit the Premises to be used, in any manner, or do or suffer any act in or about <br />the Premises which: (A) violates or contlicts with any applicable Law, any of the Rules and Regulations or any covenants, conditions and <br />rewictions applicable to Project; (8) causes or is reasonably likely to cause damage to lie Project, [he Premises or the Building Systems; (C) <br />violates a requirement or condition or any policy of insurance covering the Project and/or the Premises, or increases the cost or such policy: (I)) <br />constitutes or is reasonably likely to constitute a nuisance, annoyance or inconvenience to other tenents or occupants of the Pmject or its equipment, <br />@ciliik s or systems or (E) interferes with, or is reasonably likely to interfere with, the transmission or reception or microwave, television, radio, <br />telephone, or other communication signals by a tennne or other facilities located in the Project. Without limiting the generality orthe furegoing, <br />should Any federal, stale or local governmental agency [loving jurisdiction with respect to lie establishment, regulation or enforcement of <br />occupational, health or safety standards for employers, employees or tenants impose on Landlord or oil Tenant at any time now or in the future any <br />requirement or Law relating in any manner to the Premises or occupancy thereof; Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, comply promptly (or at <br />Landlord's election, bear the cost orsuch compliance As eReeted by Landlord) with such requirement or Law. Tenant shall indemnity, defend and <br />hold harmless Landlord from And against any and all Claims Arising out oror relating to any failure o(Tenun[ to perform any orits obligutioos under <br />this Section I 2. Landlord shall not enforce the Rules and Regulations in a discriminatory manner, provided that Landlord shall not be liable to <br />9016'Chiv Center nr—Oo- of&nat Ann !.ease .g. <br />