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9. City general funds. <br />10. Private grants and other sources and donations. <br />Generally, in the above list, affordable housing developers will speak about filling the "funding gap" <br />between a market -rate project and an affordable or supportive housing project. The gap is filled by <br />everything above except item #1. <br />Funds That Could be Made Available to the Housing Trust. The OC Housing Finance Trust is <br />constructed to enable the Trust to secure primarily funds from State Housing Bond vehicles (such as <br />Prop 1), SB 2/Documentary Transfer Tax funds willingly provided by a member city, developer fees <br />willingly provided by a member city (ensuring that the appropriate nexus remains), and private <br />donations. � <br />Cities could also provide general fund allocations to the Trusfshould,they choose. The County of Orange <br />has discussed ensuring that the County's Proposition 2/MHSA fun&,(estimated at up to $70M) would be <br />made eligible for Trust -funded projects, but because of funding constraints; the MHSA funds would not <br />literally be placed in the Trust. i <br />#`'# #. <br />55C-40 <br />