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Finally, the omission of a quantified health risk assessment is inconsistent with the most recent guidance <br />published by Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA), the organization responsible <br />for providing recommendations and guidance on how to conduct health risk assessments in California. <br />In February of 2015, OEHHA released its most recent Risk Assessment Guidelines: Guidance Manual for <br />Preparation of Health Risk Assessments, which was formally adopted in March of 2015.11 This guidance <br />document describes the types of projects that warrant the preparation of a health risk assessment. <br />Grading and construction activities for the proposed Project will produce emissions of DPM through the <br />exhaust stacks of construction equipment over an approximately 16-year period, according to the <br />construction schedule utilized to model construction GHG emissions (2019 Addendum, pp. 2769). The <br />OEHHA document recommends that all short-term projects lasting at least two months be evaluated for <br />cancer risks to nearby sensitive receptors." Once construction is complete, Project operation will <br />include approximately 61,050 daily vehicle trips, which will generate substantial additional exhaust <br />emissions, thus continuing to expose nearby sensitive receptors to DPM emissions (Table T-4, 2019 <br />Addendum, p. 78). The OEHHA document recommends that exposure from projects lasting more than <br />six months should be evaluated for the duration of the project, and recommends that an exposure <br />duration of 30 years be used to estimate cancer risk for the maximally exposed individual resident <br />(MEIR)." Even though we were not provided with the expected lifetime of the Project, we can <br />reasonably assume that the Project will operate for at least 30 years, if not more. Therefore, per <br />SCAQMD and OEHHA guidelines, health risk impacts from Project construction and operation should <br />have been evaluated by the 2019 Addendum. These recommendations reflect the most recent health <br />risk assessment policy, and as such, an assessment of health risks to nearby, existing sensitive receptors <br />from construction and operation should be included in a Project -specific EIR. <br />Greenhouse Gas <br />Greenhouse Gas Efficiency Incorrectly Evaluated <br />In order to determine the significance of the Project's GHG emissions, the 2019 Addendum prepared an <br />efficiency based GHG analysis. Based on the GHG efficiency analysis, the Applicant concludes that the <br />proposed Project's GHG efficiency would be approximately 2.84 MT CO2e/year/service population, <br />which falls below the SCAQMD's 3.0 MT COze/year/service population significance threshold for the <br />year 2035, and thus would not result in any new GHG emissions impacts (2019 Addendum, P. 119). This <br />significance conclusion is incorrect, however, as the Applicant relies on incorrect methodology to <br />calculate the Project's GHG emissions efficiency. <br />In an attempt to quantitatively demonstrate a less than significant GHG impact, the Applicant first <br />calculates the Project's "net emissions" by subtracting the GHG emissions associated with the existing <br />land uses from the GHG emissions associated with the proposed Project, which results in annual <br />to "OEHHA (Feb.2015) Risk Assessment Guidelines Guidance Manual for Preparation of Health Risk Assessments, <br />https://oeh ha. ca.aov/media/down loads/crnr/2015eu idancem a n u al. pdf. <br />" "OEHHA (Feb.2015) Risk Assessment Guidelines Guidance Manual for Preparation of Health Risk Assessments, <br />`downloads/crnr/2015xuidancemanual.pdf, p. 8-18 <br />12 "OEHHA (Feb.2015) Risk Assessment Guidelines Guidance Manual for Preparation of Health Risk Assessments, <br />httos://, p. 8-6, p. 8-15 <br />
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