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with regional efforts. <br />The one-year actions to be taken include: <br />• Issue Project -Based Vouchers for Permanent Supportive Housing for individuals experiencing <br />homelessness, <br />• Allocate ESG funds to the City's new temporary homeless emergency shelter, the Link. <br />• Work with the County of Orange to create a permanent emergency shelter utilizing State <br />funding. A <br />• Reserve 50%ofSanta Ana Housing Authority turnover <br />referred by approved referral agencies. <br />• Provide General Funds from the City's budget to <br />as well as other creative programming. <br />Addressing the emergency shelter <br />The City of Santa Ana <br />children women, and <br />for homeless individuals <br />a Homeless Services Manager <br />of homeless persons <br />emergency homeless <br />families with minor -aged <br />four dormitories, family rooms, full bathroom <br />pm the City of Santa Ana experiencing <br />&sing and opportunities for employment. <br />rn{i;(tild emergency shelter in the Civic Center of Santa Ana that <br />flterffo over 425 individuals each night, and food and supportive <br />ally basis. The County also runs an emergency cold -weather <br />for approximately 200 individuals and a 60-bed women's <br />one-year actions will address the needs of individuals who are <br />homeless that includes unaccompanied women, victims of domestic violence, chronically homeless <br />Individuals and families, families with children, veterans and their families, and unaccompanied youth. <br />The range of services include emergency shelter, transitional housing and permanent supportive <br />housing. ESG funds will provide assistance for street outreach services, homeless prevention and rapid <br />re -housing. <br />The ESG funded HEART outreach team will provide outreach and engagement services to individuals <br />Annual Action Plan <br />2019 <br />rrj <br />OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) <br />75C-48 <br />